Trigger release?

I am getting all the help I need right now from this forum. I don't even need to get off the couch! I'm going to definately need some help in person when it comes to tree stands.
I'd recommend the Tru-Ball or Scott as a first choice. Fletcher makes some pretty good releases also. Like JayMc I use the Tru-Ball short-n-sweet. I have one in velcro and one in a buckle strap. I like them both. I use the buckle strap in cold weather to cinch down thick gloves. But it works fine even in warm weather on my bare wrist. The velcro is more convenient, but a little noisier. However, you will need to be shooting a d-loop with this release.

But Tru-Ball, Scott, Fletcher and Tru-Fire all make a jaw clamp model that can be used on a loop or directly on a string. Like Radar said try different ones. Go to an archery range or pro-shop and try several. You will probably find one that just fits better than the others. Remember most of them are adjustable for fit (wrist size and length) and adjustable for tension (trigger pull). Some even adjust trigger positions.