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Turkey Decoys

Yea there are a couple threads already, to sum it up...everybody is different. Me personally, I have a full strut, hen, and jake. They each have a purpose and each place I hunt has a deke that is useful. Lots of trial and error for sure.
I didn't realize they were so controversial until I read some of the threads. I have used them in some situations. Sometimes they help. Sometimes they hurt.
As others have said, lots of opinions about them. I had a buddy of mine from college come down several years ago to turkey hunt and he brought his strutter and hen decoys. We hunted two mornings and killed four field birds in like 10 minutes. "Well, that was easy" was all I could say. I don't call it unethical to use decoys and I don't think guys that use them aren't hunters, but I don't think it's hunting. I know they are a liability at times too, but given the situation with turkey populations, the ease of their use, their success on hard to kill field birds, their inherent safety issues, I think strutter dekes should not be used. I'm perfectly fine with bow hunters using them, and I guess I can see using them with a youth to get them some action one time. If they weren't effective they wouldn't be as popular as they are and sell for up to hundreds of dollars.

Just my opinion on the matter.

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