Swamphunter said:
I won't leave the truck without my Turkey Lounger vest. I can sit really comfortably with it. I carry 2 pots, 2 strikers, 5-6 mouth calls, crow call, power owl, binocs, rangefinder, thermacell, brush cutters, 3 decoys, and water.

did i talk to you the other day in bell buckle, lol
i am 36 and will take speed. i hate gadgets. i have set out decoys twice and the birds ran both times. i even boughtt the lightest 3.5" 12 gauge i could find. i do not really even know
therma cell is.
redblood said:
i do not really even know
therma cell is.

You, nor anyone else would last 5 minutes here right now without a thermacell or enough bug spray to hospitalize a human. The mosquitoes are so bad, we are turning our thermacells on before we get out of the truck to make sure they are warmed up, if you don't it takes hours for it to drive off the swarms.

I have been to the Amazon and a myriad of south Miss river bottoms, and have never seen anything like the bloodsuckers here this year so far. Hope they like the frost and freeze they are fixing to receive, and hope it bursts their cells and they suffer.
Like some of the other guys said, there's many ways to hunt turkeys,non of the the "right" way. I land somewhere in between with two foam decoys,a couple of slates,boxes,and mouth calls,along with locaters. I also don't leave the truck without bino's and my thermacell. I carry a 28" barrel 835. Its heavy,but gets me another 15-20yds over some of the shorter turkey models. As long as your getting on birds,it does'nt matter what you carry!

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