turkey guns

easy45 said:
Browning bps 12 with the factory xx full choke, never saw a need to buy another since I have kills out to 60 yards with it

I agree, the factory choke in the BPS works as well as any in that gun.
NEF single shot with a standard fixed full choke has been my all time favorite turkey gun shooting Kent 2 3/4, 1 1/2 ounce of #5 lead pheasant loads.

I killed 2 long beards this fall with my M2 20 gauge shooting Hevi shot and the factory full choke. The M2 20 is my second gun of choice.

After turkey hunting with these 2 guns, I don't want to ever use a repeating 12 gauge again.
Custom Winchester 1300, .655 C-N-C, aftermarket stock, Williams Fire Sights, Limbsaver recoil pad, custom camo paint job. Shooting Win Supreme #6's.
