Do you have the latest research besides the article linked in the other thread?Show actual proof and not theoretical data. Absolutely nothing in all the data has shown any evidence supporting lowering limits and pushing back season dates to improve population sizes. Have you trapped? If you have as just an observation, I'll bet you have observed an increase in your local population like I have in different areas back in Bama. I work in the medical field…if I use theoretical data to practice medicine, my tail would be sued back to medical school. Sure, a lot more data points to come with further studies but the results are pretty damming to Chamberlain's theories…even Chamberlain acknowledges predator control as a key but doesn't focus on it likely because it's not in alignment with "the dominant gobbler theory"
Worth noting, the article is asking for money…which in any other circumstance I'd label as sketchy.
That aside, in this particular area of wildlife science we actually have the opportunity to prove a thesis. Declare predator war on a TWRA managed WMA and prove the theory. It's that simple, $100 they will not do that. It will be filed away and used as a bullet point for years to come.