Turkey Time


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2007
Reaction score
Townsend, TN
Well I will actually have a peice of private land to turkey hunt on this year. So I will be trying it for the first time this year. If I see half as many turkeys this spring as I did this fall on deer stand it should be fun. LOL

But seriously I was hoping some of you could steer me towards some good links, literature, video's..ect. I have used a mouth call for years just playing around on deer stand and coyote hunting, but past that i have no experiance calling. I also don't know much about the birds themselves. I realize that most learning comes from being in the woods and experiance, but I would like to start preparing myself as best I can. Any help would be much appreciated.
Welcome to the club. Just keep it simple at first. 9 times out of 10 a good yelp is all you need. I would suggest getting a good calling CD and get the cadence and sound of the yelp down.

Location is important too.Don't get too close in the mornings. If you know where their roosted, 100 yards is usually close enough. Try to be uphill if possible with no obstacles between (fence,creek,thicket,etc.)

Don't call too much. It's tempting,but if he's coming in hot and heavy, let him come. If you can see him, he can definitely see you if you call.

Just some basic tips. Good luck.
outbackhunter2010 said:
Dont forget you can pattern them also for those days they dont cooperate with the call. Stay as long as u can i have killed alot of toms around lunch after their ladies have left them behind. A lonely tom is a dead tom.

So true. I've killed a lot of turkeys after 10AM. In fact, there are days when I've slept in and hung out with the family and hunted 10-2. If you find a turkey gobbling at 10AM alone in a field he's about as killable as they get.
JayMc said:
outbackhunter2010 said:
Dont forget you can pattern them also for those days they dont cooperate with the call. Stay as long as u can i have killed alot of toms around lunch after their ladies have left them behind. A lonely tom is a dead tom.

So true. I've killed a lot of turkeys after 10AM. In fact, there are days when I've slept in and hung out with the family and hunted 10-2. If you find a turkey gobbling at 10AM alone in a field he's about as killable as they get.

Until the neighbors fire up the super charged dirtbikes! :D

You remember that, Jay? :mad:
Yeah, I remember that. It was still a fun morning and I look forward to trying them again.