Turkeys and ground blinds...?

REN said:
i dont think he meant it as a wide everytime no matter what term. I am sure there are times when it is just as good (ala your kid or dad with you)

I assume he meant it more in a general term

I know, I just like playing devil's advocate sometime :) !
Brad C. said:
You guys keep talking about jeans. I've killed a many of birds before camo was the thing. Didn't feel one bit handicapped either.

Anyone that thinks hunting out of a blind is tougher than hunting on the ground out in the open with camo needs a reality check. Go to youtube and look at all the guys that bowhunt out of them or go to the outdoor channel and you will see the same thing with guys putting up their decoys at 10-15yds and guys like Jay Gregory make it look ever so simple and that's because it is. Take away the blinds on all of these successful videos, and 95% or more of the kills that your seeing wouldn't take place with a bow. Anyone that tries to deny that is well blind. LOL!

If you think hunting out of a blind is a challenge, then I bet you would love hunting animals in a high fence where they don't have a fair chase chance.

question?? do you not still have to call them in? if so then for alot of us its still a challenge. I have never hunted out of a blind that I bought but whats the difference if any than going in and building one out of blow downs or something to that effect, for me they are a challenge no matter what. Good luck to all and if you arent breaking the law then good hunting no matter how you chose to do so! Just be happy we are lucky enough to have the choice!
Carlos Viagra said:
A turkey from a ground blind or a deer from an elevated stand. What's the difference guys? Seriously?

really you dont see a difference in the two, not to mention the overall technique differences between the 2 species?

my sarcasm meter has been way off today so i want to be sure you are serious.
Carlos Viagra said:
A turkey from a ground blind or a deer from an elevated stand. What's the difference guys? Seriously?

Turkey sees the blind, looks at it, but does not see you. Turkeys also apparently don't care if you put the blind up the night before.

Deer don't see the stand, because they don't naturally look up for predators. But if they look up, they will see you. If you put something in the woods the night before, the deer might notice and stay away.

Not speaking from experience. Just what I have learned from all the people here. My 2 cents
REN said:
Carlos Viagra said:
A turkey from a ground blind or a deer from an elevated stand. What's the difference guys? Seriously?

really you dont see a difference in the two, not to mention the overall technique differences between the 2 species?

my sarcasm meter has been way off today so i want to be sure you are serious.
Man this thread has just made me realize that I need a blind to kill a turkey. I'm gonna call Cabelas first thing in the morning and order one. I heard they have a special going on right now...buy one blind and will throw in the decoys for free. Man I'm gonna be set! LOL!
Turkey hunting is turning into a sport of nothing but sitting in a pop up blind with decoys out and just waiting. People that sit at the base of trees and call turkeys in will be obsolete before to long. I wont knock folks for blind hunting, but they really need to experience being ground level and working/calling a bird in. A turkey is a creature of habit and not that hard to kill if you just sit in one spot and wait long enough.
I used to be a moderator. I gave it up because of whiners like you.

Swamphunter said:
Was that it? Or did you quit so you could spend more time on another state's hunting forum telling those hunters the right way to hunt and which shells to shoot?

For someone who likes to point the fingers at others, you sure ask a lot of questions. LOL!

You shoot what you want to shoot and kill them the way you want to kill them. Nobody including me will twist your arm and tell you how to do it.
It all comes down to each individuals preference. Do blinds work.... yep without a doubt. Do they offer an advantage.... yes again. Most importantly are they legal....yep. So to each their own....

Just like some people hunt deer from tree stands and others spot and stalk. Some people use compound bows and others traditional bows.

Just because you choose a particular style of hunting and that style makes YOUR experience better doesn't mean that is the answer for everyone and that goes both ways.

My personal preference is to run and gun. I like calling and moving and moving and calling.

I have never been elk hunting but when I watch tv shows where they hunt elk from a tree stand it feels wrong to me. That is my preference and I hunt out of a tree stand every hunt during deer season
turkeys arent like deer, it wont matter. as for the ladder stand tactic, good luck. turkeys have airborne predators. you may get lucky and shoot one passing by during archery season but when you start cranking on a call theyll pick you out.

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