It was tried in Wisconsin but without much cooperation from landowners. Deer just ran from one small property to another. Also, it's very difficult to measure success on a chronic disease that takes years to show up.
I'm not saying it would work for the same reasons. The cooperation wouldn't be consistent enough to have any meaningful impact. I would say it didn't work but I guess they need to try!
Btw, they asked Ames the same thing and they were turned down. I think the medicine while it might be the right one is too hard to swallow.
Thank you for your response.
I'm certainly not a biologist, but it just doesn't make any sense to me. It's inevitable that it's coming, (big thanks to deer enclosures IMO), so my way of thinking is that you can at least see quite a few deer while hunting, or virtually zero deer while hunting after they hammer them down to next to nil.
I'd rather let nature sort it out, and if there is the possibility that some are immune they might get to pass that on if they aren't slaughtered wholesale. Man brought this problem to deer, and I have my doubts as to whether he can fix it.
Our farm is in Henry, and I'll eventually be getting one of these letters I'd bet.
My interest would lie more with letting us know what they plan on doing about private deer enclosures, as my bet is that that's where this whole jacked up mess started near Ames. And, I'll bet they know who it was. Tennessee hunters who own the resource have a right to know. I'd like to see them work as aggressively on that as they are taking out healthy deer.
Depredation permits are already issued for a lot of row crop farmers in West Tennessee. We have enough needless slaughter and extreme wanton waste there, and that's removing deer already near hot zones. If it's carcasses they want for testing, it shouldn't be any problem to gather them where they are rotting in fields, most likely gut shot by a farmer who'll probably be receiving an insurance claim anyway.
I see no need to jack up anything worse than already has been. That's not aimed at you Fairchaser. I respect you greatly.