TWRA non response

TheLBLman said:
Wonder why the guy is carrying a crossbow instead of a gun?
Can think of a couple reasons.
Where no one can hear him poach a deer ... simple .
The other big reason is that it's illegal for convicted felons to possess a gun.
Some of those who "only bowhunt" are for this reason.
If you can afford to own large tracts of land you should at least be able to afford to run 1 barbwire run around it and some signs imo, no fence posts needed most of the time as a staple will hold up for a long time, have seen wire over 20' up in the trees over the years,
If you can afford to own large tracts of land you should at least be able to afford to run 1 barbwire run around it and some signs imo, no fence posts needed most of the time as a staple will hold up for a long time, have seen wire over 20' up in the trees over the years,
Why would there be wire 20' up in the trees?
Trees grow, wire has been used to mark boundary's for a long time
Yes, trees grow, but you do realize they grow from the top up not from the bottom? If you nailed a wire to a tree 3 feet off the ground, in 100 years, it will still be 3 feet off the ground. Granted, the tree will swallow it up, but it will not raise in height any.

So if you're seeing wire attached to a tree 20 feet high, someone has used an extension ladder
If you can afford to own large tracts of land you should at least be able to afford to run 1 barbwire run around it and some signs imo, no fence posts needed most of the time as a staple will hold up for a long time, have seen wire over 20' up in the trees over the years,
I hate to be negative, but this is one of the dumbest statements I have read on here in a while.
I hate to be negative, but this is one of the dumbest statements I have read on here in a while.
I saw some fences last year that were 6ft high from the ground.
I'd never seen it before, but it was nailed to a bunch of smaller trees.

It was weird walking under, seemed almost like a trap.
I've called them many times. And if I get a call back at all. It's usually a week later. Tell me how that's gonna help anything. Guess they figure they have nobody to answer to. Or they could care less about any situation you call them about. I think they need a restructuring like the federal government does.
If you can afford to own large tracts of land you should at least be able to afford to run 1 barbwire run around it and some signs imo, no fence posts needed most of the time as a staple will hold up for a long time, have seen wire over 20' up in the trees over the years,
When you find yourself in a hole, quit digging. If someone trespasses on my property it's my fault if I don't have a fence? That's horse 💩. When I hunt a new property the FIRST thing I do is get the owner or someone on the lease to show me the property lines while I compare them to OnX. That very thing happened this fall when I joined a new lease. The guy that runs it took me around and showed me all the lines.
Had two trespassing guys hunting out of season on trail camera this morning.
Called two different numbers for TWRA and one private officer's number.
No response, no callbacks, crickets.
Guess folks can hunt anytime they want, anywhere they want.
I have the same complaint
If you can't properly mark your property and there are no fence lines it's hard to say where the lines are a lot of times, in NCO school we told a story to a student then they would pass it on, surprising how much it changed by the time it got to the last 1, same thing happens with boundary's.

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