There is no bandwagon with me. I'm the kid who moved back to TN in the 5th grade and got taunted for wearing my Alabama Starter jacket to school by all my Vol fan friends. My family has had eight season tickets at Alabama since the Shula Era. We had been buying a former player, from the Coach Bryant era, season tickets for 3 years prior to the seats we have now coming available. Believe me, to sit through some of those games, it has a way of separating the real fans from the bandwagoners.
I waited 17 years of torturous fandom to see Alabama make it back to the pinnacle—I was in the Rose Bowl for the 2009 National Championship over Texas, was in the Superdome in New Orleans for the 2011 National Championship over LSU, was in Miami at the 2012 National Championship over ND, was in Phoenix for the 2016 National Championship over Clemson, and was in Tampa for the 2017 National Championship game where Alabama was beat by Clemson. You know of some other "bandwagoners" than can say that??
Call me what you want but my fanship hasn't wavered since I first knew what football was and having had a mother that attended Alabama and grandparents that paid to send her to Alabama, that's all I've known.
There are a lot of bandwagon Alabama fans these days. Fortunately I was just raised right and have been able to get my long due vengeance over the last 15 years to the most deserving fan base in all the land.
It's all in good fun. I can take the banter just as easy as I can give it. Look on the bright side—at least y'all finally overcame Vandy this year. If Tennessee ever becomes relevant again and you get the opportunity to go to a National Championship you'll remember me telling you this once you have to ante up the cash to support your fanship. That further separates the bandwagons from the real fans. It's worth every penny.