Urgent Prayer Request - FINAL UPDATE - God is good!!

Prayers for your daughter and your family, I am excited to read of some positive results. I have to say, it is posts like this that keep me coming back to this site. The posts about CWD, cameras, age this deer, baiting, camo, etc., are fun to read and try to find something in them that touches us all. But, when a fellow outdoorsman(hunter, fisherman, etc.) posts on here that he covets your prayers for his or her self, or family it is one of the most profound professions of faith that can be made. Then, to see the prayers offered by all of you, brings a peace that all should know! Thank you all for letting me be a part of this forum, may God bless you all!
49 year old daughter on ventilator, all I know. Headed to hospital now

Update 2/12
She has a Saddle PE (big blood clot) on top of sternum overlapping onto both lungs, AFib as well. BP is still bottoming out too. They are trying to get her into a hospital with Intervention Radiology.We are currently at Helen Keller in Muscle Shoals & Huntsville is full. They are branching out to Bham & Nville now. She'll be transported when they hit on something. Thanks so much for prayers, but not out of woods yet.

Ambulance just left with her headed to Chattanooga. Will be about daylight getting there. Praying that they will be able to get her into cath lab quickly. Clot has both of her bronchial primary arteries blocked. God has already had his hand on her as she has coded once & they were able to get her back.

Made trip in stable shape & repeat labs were good upon arrival. Awaiting meeting with Dr, then will do the removal procedure

She's been extubated and on room
Air 🙌🏽 gave "clot busting medicine". Have to wait at least 24 hrs after giving that medicine before they do procedure. So earliest she will go for procedure will be tomorrow after 8 am. She's talking and says she's feeling better.

God is at work with daughter ( Shannon) & medical team 🙏🏻. CT this morning prior to scheduled surgery revealed that the medication given yesterday morning is dissolving the big clot! Surgery postponed and will continue monitoring and adjust accordingly. Possibility that they move her from the Unit to a room this afternoon.

Thanks to all my wonderful TnDeer brothers & sisters for your prayers & please keep them coming!!
Praise God once again !