Uway Users


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2004
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Does anyone know if improvements have been made to rid of the blurry nighttime movement photos? I'm wanting to try one, but I hate blurry photos.

Also, are any of you seeing any signal from deer that there is some detection?
No, deer don't see the flash.

All black-flash cams produce motion blur. It is part of the night-time picture-taking process using long-wavelength light. With so little light, the picture exposure times have to be long and any movement by the subject during that long exposure will produce blur.
Like Already mentioned, All True Black flash will have some degree of Blur, which is why on my Uways i set to take multiple shots per trigger somewhere around 3-5. I dont like to use the Videos, take up to much memory space and battery usage
I've had a very poor experience with the Uways. My original two turned into 6 due to their high failure rate and the guaranteed replacement during the first year. I'm now barely beyond the 1-yr guarantee and have one that was still working, although I expect it to quit soon, like all the others.

In that price range (actually less), I'd look at the Bushnell Black-Flash model, although many people have had problems with the Bushnells as well. Basically, anything coming out of China has very poor quality control, and chances are high whatever brand is going to not work properly and/or totally fail within a few months or a year or so.

I think the better way to go is either a homebrew or Reconyx or both.