The advantage about the velvet hunt is you have a small window to hunt a mature deer who isnt pressured, who can be on a daylite feeding pattern, mainly in beans. Still not a pushover by any means. It does mean doing plenty of glassing the last hour of daylite, from a long distance, covering alot of ground to find a nice buck, if thats what you are after. Then, having permission to hunt. last year I finally found a smaller, late planted bean field, had a really nice buck along with 6 other smaller bucks, plus lots of does. I only hunted in the evenings, staying way out from the area most deer entered from. Saw prob 30 deer each evening the last hour, they would just pour into field at dusk. Saw my target buck Fri eve., too dark to shoot, sat eve., too dark, and finally he entered sun eve with just enough lite to see crosshairs. He entered the field from 3 different spots the 3 days I saw him, always by himself. Very hot, but still a big challenge. and worth it to me.