Veteran Wildlife Officer Kills Turkey Hunter

"There is no evidence to suggest the officer confused the hunter with an animal,"

Now I dont know but why would a game warden making his rounds keeping the law in check be even remotely worried about wether it was an animal or not? If he was on duty he most definately wasnt hunting much less hunting on this guys property. Sound to me like a stake out gone wrong.
so r they but we dont shoot them just cuz they have a weapon.GW do a good job but alot of people use there power to the xtreme.i hate it for both families know one will ever know the truth bout a shooting except the person who got shot and the person that done the shooting
Seminole39 said:
Think about it this way, every person they come into contact with during hunting is armed. A GW has no idea what that person is thinking or if he or she has something to hide.

I will admit that when I was younger I was stopped, checked and written a warning on private property for not having on an orange vest during deer gun season before. The first thing the warden done was disarm me and unload my weapon. Could have been what happened and the guy probably didnt want to give up his gun.
I know a GW in VA who was threatened with bodily harm by 3 burly fisherman. He was just gonna write them tickets for not having licenses. They "werent getting no tickets." He ended up drawing his gun, and they wisely chose not to carry out their threats. The gun was the only thing they respected, not him or the law.

I know there are some just plain rude, cocky officers out there, GWs and LEOs alike. I've worked with them. There are also good, honest, and fair men and women patrolling our streets, keeping us safe, and ensuring safe, responsible behavior on our lakes and in the field. Not every officer is a hot-headed jerk.

Regardless of your views on the amount of power GW's wield, you cant overlook the fact that this officer was investigating a possible offense (baiting, read the web article), and as such had cause to be on the property. What happened afterward is unknown, but not everyone obeys the law, and not everyone has respect for authority. It seems much more likely than not that a veteran officer, who has no doubt had hundreds of interactions with hunters and fishermen, would only shoot an old man if he absolutely had to. That may not be the case, but I will be suprised if it isnt.

Either way, it is a tragedy for everyone involved.
Too little info to do much speculating. Let's wait until the facts are in before judgement is passed. A 76 year old man can be as contrary and uncooperative as a 18 year old adolescent. By the same token, an officer of the law, albeit in any capacity, can be likewise. My thoughts and prayers are with both families.
there is NO reason a GW should not be allowed on private property to me. I dont know all the facts so I wont pass judgment on what happened but prayers for both families involved. It is a tough job that i assure you I would not take on.
IceMann said:
I stand corrected on the mix up on the state, sorry I just got home and no sleep yet..but I stand firm on my opinions on the wildlife officers..
Seminole39,no need to be an ass to me,I made a mistake on the state,I am new here,this is just about my 3rd post I think, so back the f... off DUDE!

I am sorry but I htink you need to back off with your language you were spouting at the nouth and this is a family site so you really do not need to be calling people names. Thank you
First of all, just my personal take on all this.
Number one, there is VERY little information given in what articles I have read. VERY little.
Also, the bs snippet of "no reason to believe the gw mistook the man for an animal" is probably nothing more than a silly "reporter" not having a clue as to what is going on and popping off at the mouth.

Now for the flaming, bashing and name calling.
While I do acknowledge the fact that icemann did come back and
"stood corrected" on the mix up on the state, it was too little too late.
Getting "chastized" for a stand is not something that happens on here. What DOES happen on here is you get a warning for flaming, name calling etc on here. Consider your little warning served and when you are allowed to post on this site again I would suggest you remember it, IF you care to ever post on here again.
Simply, ABSOLUTELY no reason for your choice of language on this thread and it will not be tolerated, ever.

I would like to apologize to everyone that had to see this garbage, but I am choosing to leave it on here just so there is no misunderstanding as to why the account has been temporarily put on suspension pending permanent deletion.
My prayers to the family!
Only one of the two is alive to tell half of the true story.
God will pass final judgement. Put it in his hands.
Pray for the family for comfort, understanding, patience, and closure in their loss.

Clyde Coffey
It is a sad situation, foul play or justified.

The one question I have is why "deadly" force was used?

It seems that the WO could have shot him somewhere besides in the chest and then disarmed him.
It is a sad situation, foul play or justified.

The one question I have is why "deadly" force was used?

It seems that the WO could have shot him somewhere besides in the chest and then disarmed him.
This is a common thought when the bad-guy profile is not met. LEO, GW and such can't give a life or death threat 2nd or 3rd tries. I am sure it may seem like it a lot of times. But when someone has a gun on you and is threating your life. You can't just wound them and wait to see if they can still shot you. It doesn't work like that.

And not to sound harsh, I agree with you on "It is a sad situation, foul play or justified."
I didn't and still don't think you added anything to this thread that would or SHOULD have lead to anything.
It's all good.