Vols/Cats score predictions

You should try to come up with an original post. I have seen the mirror image of that statistic circulating for over a decade now. I am flattered that you thought it to be so profound that you decided to adopt it though. ...although 371 days really isn't as impressive as 15+ years. :)
Nah. I know how much it irritates Bandwagon Nation. I think I'll stick with it. Nice try though.
Maybe try hours or minutes instead of days. Make it sound more significant(bigger numbers). Most people understand anything less than 365 days (baring a post season matchup)is only 1 game. But you do you.
Since you wanted to be cute the other day and correct someone's grammar, I'll tell you the word is barring. It is not baring. Secondly, I will tell you that I don't need any suggestions on my posts, because they are obviously having the intended effect. Thirdly, I will tell you it has been 372 days since alabama has beaten TENNESSEE in football.
Wow, very impressive.

The defensive coaches really knew Kys tendencies, and called a great game.

Glad the DBs finally turned to look for the ball.

Next week should be fun.
Any way you slice it, Stoops is a good coach. He has done wonders at Ky, and they may a hard time keeping him.
Yeah, his done well with what his had. Be hard to replace that NFL caliber QB at KY. I believe if he stays he will ne no better then 3ed in thr east for the next while.

I know it's won him alot of games, but his offenses is soooo boring so slow. if you have a good run D like Tennessee it doesn't work at all. How many times did KY run it on first and second down last night for a combined 3 yards then have to try and pick up a 3ed and 7+ everyone knew when they was about to run and when they was about to throw almost all game long.

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