Waist pack

I use a Fanny pack. It's really old and redhead brand. It's actually a two-piece one that can attach to an upper backpack for a big pack. I too, get hot with a backpack. Makes my back sweat
My buddy from college uses one, but he also uses a strutter decoy. I don't have one, like my old 15 year old vest, but he did have some good stuff in his like a little hand saw and hand pruners.
My buddy has some kinda chest rig he wears. If interested I'll holler at him.
My buddy has some kinda chest rig he wears. If interested I'll holler at him.
Thanks guys but not looking for a chest pack. They're just as hot to me. Had my badlands bino pack on Saturday and may have to rethink how I carry those if a lot of walking is involved. Thanks just the same.
After Gravey places his full strut decoy with 6 hens out in the field, we see him stealthily move back to the tree to ready for the hunt:
I'm in stealth mode. 😆
mark wahlberg shooter GIF
Another vote for the cabelas speed seat. I switch to that after it gets into the high 70s. Very thick comfortable seat! Downside... no good place for strikers.