Walleye below Patrick Henry dam

Patrick Henry was stocked years back with walleye fry, but dang few were caught in the lake afterwards. most theories are that the fingerlings went through the dam. same way the rockfish supposedly got in Patrick Henry, coming from Boone. those old boys fishing inside of Eastman in jet boats show walleye on their youtube videos fairly regularly.
yeah, they get fat real fast eating stocker rainbow trout. Tom Richards used to film below Boone pretty regularly...
Tom and I fished together for many years.
I could write a book on our fishing exploits "back in the day"..
I still go by and see him occasionally when I catch him out in the yard.
yeah, they get fat real fast eating stocker rainbow trout. Tom Richards used to film below Boone pretty regularly...
I can't remember how many times I'd be in the front of the boat casting like "a well oiled machine " and he'd be picking out a backlash dragging a Redfin behind the boat and one would eat it..🤣🤣🤣
They wash through the dam, I caught one Saturday in the discharge. I've caught 20 or so down there in the past five or six years. Some of them look rough like they've been sickened by the chemical spills. They stopped stocking them last year, they were a vs/ky native strain that grows a lot faster than the erie series that they stock in most of the surrounding lakes.
they can't stop you from running a boat in a river "if" it is wide enough and deep enough to pass through in a boat. only reason Holston Defense gets away with stopping people from drifting through and fishing is that nobody wants to pay the attorneys for years worth of work to fight the feds in court. eventually, HD will fence the banks & put gravel roads along them so it can be patrolled. we used to go through the fence (LARGE hole, lol) on the mountain side and fish. the guards would watch us, and the friendlier ones would wave if we caught a nice smallmouth. "navigable waters" i'd be very careful passing through TEC because of the dam(s) crossing the river down near Industry drive. been more than a couple of folks capsized there & needed help.
Eastman has had many spills or as they call it accidental discharge. They take samples and water is always clean 😁. Even though the dam is technically up river of Eastman. Not sure how clean the water is even upstream of that place. If you can make an entire city stink. and even many miles away from there you can smell Eastman with the right wind. Smells like straight chemicals. I don't know if I'd eat anything close to that place. So are you saying walleye can be caught at the dam. And if so what kind of flow is best.
anyone eating fish out of Cherokee Lake, or drinking water from Morristowns system, gets it from Eastman & Holston Ammunition plant/BAE.
My striper fishing buddy lived in the backside of Ridgefields on the river. I would access the river there and wade. My brother in law and I were fishing one day just killing them on topwater. The water started coming up so we get next to the bank and make our way to Steve's place. We get out and my BIL's legs turn beet red and start burning-we run up to the house and I start washing him down with a hose.
I don't know what it was but definitely reacted to it. Didn't bother me any tho.
Since John Sevier Dam is gone what's to stop walleye migrating up river all the way to Patrick Henry?

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