Want to hunt Spring with son. Couple of questions!


Nov 12, 2011
Reaction score
seymour, TN
So as you've probably already figured out I would like to hunt in the spring with my son. This would also be a first for both of us. I have hunted small game in the past with my father, but the last time I even touched a gun was back in 2002 when I got out of the Marine Corps. So I already know that I need to go out and empty a couple boxes out on the range. I don't own my own land so me and my son have basically just drove around our area and knocked on some doors. Haven't had much success in doing that. Any other suggestion? Also, I would assume that hunting from a blind would be the best for him and I (since he is only 9) and may have problems sitting still. I guess my last question would be when I do find land to hunt what is the best time to go scout? Should I wait till right before the season, or is it best to go out a couple months ahead of time?

Sorry to be so long winded! Thanks
The first thing I would do is locate a area or two that has turkeys. Then in the coming weeks go out at daylight and listen for the birds to start gobbling. Then you should have a good idea where a few gobblers are roosting and have a shot at one right off the bat. Just remember roosted aint roasted good luck! :D
Thanks timberjack! I have one possible place that I may be able to hunt, just waiting on a confirmation. I figured I would need a couple of places to go, just in case one didn't pan out. Looking forward to getting out. How are the WMA's? I was thing this might be a possibility.
A month or two before season is when I would try scouting.... be closer to season and maybe by that time they would be out of their winter habits....

The key is to find them but not disturb them so as you can watch their activities and pattern them if you can... then if you can't set up on a gobbler before daylight, you have a good idea where they will be shortly thereafter.

A blind might be your best bet if your worried about your son sitting still.... turkeys have great eyesight and will bust you in a heartbeat.

WMA's can be frustrating to hunt if they are hunted by a number of hunters.... if you have the option of hunting during the weekdays when most others are at work, might be the ticket. Think outside the box in pressured areas, those turkeys have heard many things repeated by other hunters.... give them something different to listen to.

Good luck.... and yes, a trip to the range to pattern your shotgun and loads is a very good idea!!

For more info, check out OldGobbler.Com I am there as Bad Grizzly, lots of info and tips there as well.

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