Was a great morning!!

It was a blessed morning out in Gods creation. Was patient watching several does and not only wound up with meat for the table, but also my biggest antlered points buck. 9pt. I didn't have him on trailcam so it was a surprise sighting. I was watching some does when a few more came out. I caught what I thought was a tine in the sunshine coming through the cedar trees, so I held off on a doe. Sure enough he popped out and started dogging the does. I got him to stop and dropped the hammer on the ole CVA muzzleloader. The does confused, looked around long enough for me to reload and take one. I was waiting for the rest to scatter away so I could get down. A couple kept sniffing around the downed doe and I reloaded again to take another. What a morning. Meat for the freezer and a very nice buck. I am done until rifle season starts… I have been running cameras and was a little frustrated by the lack of pictures until reading through a post on that very topic a few days ago. I transitioned a couple of cameras from summer mineral sites to mock scraps and then started getting better pics.

Good luck and happy hunting to you all.
Ideal hunt morning, in my book!
I appreciate it guys… I have been hunting for many years (since mid 80's), took a break due to life circumstances a several years ago, and then was fortunate enough to get back after it. I have met several great people from Tndeer who became close friends… I have had some adventurous hunts with some of them and I have also had adventurous encounters such as this morning by myself. The feeling of accomplishment never gets old and I still get the shakes after seeing the bucks go down. I have been doing little things to help make the property more beneficial for the deer and hunting… selective target animals (letting the young ones walk), cameras, mineral sites, selective clearing and stand placement, scent control, and preseason preparation. I am seeing some of the results in pictures… I hope to meet up with one of these guys during rifle season:

This camera location is watching a community scrap that's as big as an old hoopty hood… it's under the branches in the background.


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