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Watch for EHD


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 1999
Nashville, TN
For those west of Nashville, in the driest areas (and these drought conditions are forecast to get worse over the next month), watch for dead deer near water sources. Hot dry Augusts and Septembers are when we see EHD outbreaks. Most frequently, deer are found dead in stock ponds and along creeks.
Yes it did. And in a several county area of westcentral TN in 2021.

And then there was the monster die-off in 2007.
07-08, 11, 16 put us to numbers that were way beyond pityful, we are just know getting back to a good huntable population in alot of areas in my county. From 07-16 we had lost upwards of 75% of our population in most parts of the county
Will put my snake boots on and try to take a walk in the bottom along the old river channel one of the cooler mornings this week. Think we are supposed to get down in the 50's overnight the next couple nights.
If EHD is around, usually you can smell the death anytime you get in the bottoms.
I was working on fence in the bottom this morning, nose is stopped up and couldn't really smell much of anything aside from the wasp spray I sprayed in the pipe the nasty bastages came out of. My 18 year old daughter has covid, possible I have it too, sense of smell may not be great.
Yes it did. And in a several county area of westcentral TN in 2021.

And then there was the monster die-off in 2007.
And 2019 - we were one of those pockets that had a massive die off. This would be the first year I'd say we "recovered" from 2019. Hope this year isn't something.
And 2019 - we were one of those pockets that had a massive die off. This would be the first year I'd say we "recovered" from 2019. Hope this year isn't something.
Actually, that was it instead of 2021. Luckily, my place was at the edge of that one. We didn't lose many deer, but we sure saw a lot of hoof-sluffing the next year. I got quite a few deer limping on video in 2020. One of the bucks that was limping hard in 2020 I killed in 2021 and he was still limping. here's his front hoof:


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2007 and think it was 2016 or so was terrible for us in N East tn. Seen several poor doe's standing in the creek around where I hunt 2016. They wouldn't move like they were no longer scared of humans. Tongue was swollen it looked like. But I really think 2007 was worse than that. It was killing deer all over the place.
2007 and think it was 2016 or so was terrible for us in N East tn. Seen several poor doe's standing in the creek around where I hunt 2016. They wouldn't move like they were no longer scared of humans. Tongue was swollen it looked like. But I really think 2007 was worse than that. It was killing deer all over the place.
I've never seen anything like the 2007 outbreak. I was helping the TWRA with their thermal imaging census that summer, and driving around at night you could tell you were getting close to a creek by the absolutely gagging smell of death. I do believe some areas lost well over 50% of the local deer population. A few areas, maybe 70%.