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Weird Schtuff???


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2002
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Lebanon,TN USA
If you hunt long enough, some weird stuff will happen. What is the oddest thing to happen to you while bowhunting?

Mine stands out like a case cold Bud.

I shot at a small 5X5 bull elk-18 yards. Since I was looking at the antlers, that�s where the arrow went. Arrow bounced off the forks of the left antler, took a sharp right off the right antler and buried to the vanes in the heart of a small 6X7 I didn�t even see.
I can't remember what number she was, but one of the first does I shot was found with the arrow sticking out of her right side. Pinned to her side by the arrow was an oak leaf with a perfect three blade cut made by the broadhead. I don't remember any vegetation being in the way when I made the shot.

It was just a weird sight to walk up on.
a few deer were coming off the ridge behind me i stood up in my ladder stand to ready for the shot i drew as they got close enuff fixed my pins on the shoulder of the lead doe turn the arrow loose bottom cam hit the stand "the o heyall" thought went thru my mind ( drilled a fawn that i never saw) right thru the ears that was standing beside the doe never have felt so sorry for a animal in all my life took me a few to figure out what had happened havent drawed bk on a doe since with out checking to see if a lil one was beside her
I shot a doe with one shot/one arrow and put four holes in her.

Entered slightly quartering away with her head down. Somehow turned while inside her to exit between her front leg and passed through her neck.
I had a slip knot tied on my rope that i pull up my bow with, and i had a cowhorned spike come walking up the ridge. Well he walks right under my stand and is sniffing around. I was stood up by this point. He never winded me or smelled me or even acted like he had the slightest clue i was there. But when i let my rope down there was quiet a bit of slack in it. This spike put his head IN the slip knot, all the way down to his horns, I was almost laughing to the point that i wanted to yank on my rope and see if i could pull him up with me. He smelled around a little more and walked off. Pretty kool experience.
In my younger days, (high school(, I shot at a doe one morning just as light was breaking. She ran off and I had no idea if I hit her or not.
As the morning progressed and it got lighter I heard something
scratching around in the leaves and noticed a deer.

It was a fawn that more than likely was feeding at the time, with
an arrow just above the eye.

Don't know why I continued to hunt after this incident.
I shot a doe , and the arrow glanced off the back of her shoulder . The arrow traveled lengthwise and exited the lower quarter on the far side . But somehow as she ran off , the arrow broke in 3 pieces .
The fletching end was broke off on the entry side , the middle part of the shaft was in the deer , and the broadhead with a few inches of shaft traveled the full length of the deer and exited . She didn't travel far .
Gosh there are so many weird things that have happened to me. One that clearly stands out is the first buck I ever took. I had scouted the ridge where I always use to hunt pretty good and thought I knew what the deer were doing. All week something kept telling me to hunt on the back side of the ridge. Well gut instinct took over. Come opening day I was in my stand and belted in. What I didn't know was, they were building a house at the bottom of the ridge on the adjoining property. About 8:30 work onnthe house began. The carpenters had an interest in music. Lucky for me they likied the old stuff. As I was sitting there listening a small 5 point walked up. As I placed the pin behind his shoulder The Beatles started playing. I took out his heart as "Paperback Writer' blared from the speakers. I watched the deer expire and then sat and listened to a few more songs then climbed down and took care of the job at hand.
I shot a doe once that took off up the ridge. I tracked for an hour and then lost the blood trail.
I went back to my stand and climbed back up to gather my thoughts and dang. There she was laying about 20-yds from my stand in the other direction. Apparently she made a very huge complete circle.

Or maybe it was somebody elses deer. I never thought of that before now.
crazy stories. i havent really bow hunted enough yet to have any "strange happenings" go on. i only been bow hunting for the past 2 seasons and have managed to take 2 doe each year. now up in Illinois, my buddy shot a doe that decided to turn and lick herself right as he was releasing. the arrow went through one eye, out the bottom of her jaw, and then double lunged her. he said she kinda ran off zig zagging..
Pulled back on a large doe and released - in one instant I saw felt like somebody smacked me in the nose with a hammer and saw the doe do a barrel roll over a small cedar tree and end up on her back with both legs kicking. Then she bolted upright and left the county with a broken arrow left laying behind. I had not been diligent enough in setting my stand and hadn't noticed the large tree branch that got in the way of my top limb when I released. The top limb of my bow rebounded of the tree branch and the cam smacked me right in the face. The arrow must have been cartwheeling when it hit the deer and broke and scared her half to death.
One of my first does I killed with a bow, I shot at her at about 5 feet and she was looking right at me. She knew something was not right. I should not have shot, but being new and not knowing better, I shot. Well it looked like someone let go of a spring and she went what seemed like 15 feet high and I missed or so I thought. I found the arrow and there was a little blood on it. She did not go 100 yards. I centered the far front leg above what I guess is the knee. After about 50 yards she was spewing blood.
JayMc said:
I shot a doe with one shot/one arrow and put four holes in her.

Entered slightly quartering away with her head down. Somehow turned while inside her to exit between her front leg and passed through her neck.

Jay, you weren't hunting on a Grassy Knoll somewhere in Texas, were you?
I was sitting quietly in a treestand when suddenly a bird landed on my arrow a few inches from my hand. Darn near jumped out of the tree I was so startled.
I was hunting with one of my sons at LBL one year, We were on a ridge with a saddle in the middle. As I came back by to get him, I noticed the bottom of his climber was at the bottom of the tree. I asked what happened , He fell asleep and woke to a squirrel on his knee, that scared th @$^&^# out him, he kicked and the rest is history.
1bow4me said:
I was hunting with one of my sons at LBL one year, We were on a ridge with a saddle in the middle. As I came back by to get him, I noticed the bottom of his climber was at the bottom of the tree. I asked what happened , He fell asleep and woke to a squirrel on his knee, that scared th @$^&^# out him, he kicked and the rest is history.


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