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Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2011
Knoxville, TN
What happened to my pigs? I've been feeding for a long time now. Dang it all I have are bears and deer! :) Now I don't see any pigs anymore, I'm thinking the bears have ran them off.

I bought a HUGE bunch of apples and dumped them on the ground. The deer LOVED THEM. The bears not as much. The COYOTES are eating them! Might get some more apples since I have a few weeks to archery season. I at least hope I get a doe this year. It has been very lean.
Pigs tend to move around a lot. Acorns are falling now so I would expect them to switch to that. Even in a county that has had pigs for 60 years, the majority of my spots only have hogs occasionally. My house for instance, right on the edge of a traditional area for hogs but I will often go 3-6 months without any…as soon as they show up they get shot 😂 I do have a few spots that are in ground zero and those always have hogs. Here is a ground zero picture from the other day… this sounder is about to get worked on.
Pigs tend to move around a lot. Acorns are falling now so I would expect them to switch to that. Even in a county that has had pigs for 60 years, the majority of my spots only have hogs occasionally. My house for instance, right on the edge of a traditional area for hogs but I will often go 3-6 months without any…as soon as they show up they get shot 😂 I do have a few spots that are in ground zero and those always have hogs. Here is a ground zero picture from the other day… this sounder is about to get worked on.
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Dang brother, you need to build a trap!
I pulled my cameras yesterday. A crap load of coyotes and a HUGE Black Bear. At least they have finished off all of the bait prior to the start of hunting season so I don't have to clean it up.

The landowner has a free ranging dog, so I can't trap the coyotes. My faithful Western Rivers call has given up the ghost but I'm going to meet a guy tonight that has a used FoxPro.

There have been a few deer around, but I'm guessing because of the bear and the coyotes they have been scarce. No bucks, only does, all year. The good thing is the wild turkey population seems good. I pretty much only hunt turkeys with archery equipment so I hope one wonders by my blind in a couple of weeks.
The issue is that the USDA has trapped that area for years and still is. The hogs get pretty educated to the traps. That group is within just a few hundred yards of a USDA trap but they don't mess with going in it.
I still have a USDA trap on our property. They do shy away from it, but that trapper did such a good job that he got 28 at once. Since then my hunting has sucked!
Nah i don't think it's weird. We have been hog free for two years and our crops are hog free. Hunting didn't do one thing to solve the problem from what i saw with them. It's fun i get that but man they need to go.
Pigs tend to move around a lot. Acorns are falling now so I would expect them to switch to that. Even in a county that has had pigs for 60 years, the majority of my spots only have hogs occasionally. My house for instance, right on the edge of a traditional area for hogs but I will often go 3-6 months without any…as soon as they show up they get shot 😂 I do have a few spots that are in ground zero and those always have hogs. Here is a ground zero picture from the other day… this sounder is about to get worked on.
View attachment 242034
Tannerite time