Well, had a good evening

Passing any deer is a chance we take. The rut is a blessing and curse this time of year for broken racks. I saw a 3.5 year old buck last weekend that had broken one side complete off below the hair line. His head was swollen and had dried blood on his face. First time foe me seeing that extensive damage from fighting
Here's a head on shot of him. I think he's a top end 2.5. But he could possibly be a run down 3.5 yr old.
Friday, the day after Thanksgiving at first light there was a spike running the does around at the other end of the field I was watching. I had my good binoculars and was looking at him when I suddenly noticed who else was looking at him. There was a buck with an awesome rack at the far end of the field 275 yards away staring at that Spike. At that distance I could see a very high rack with awesome Mass. At that distance it was obvious that he was special. He crossed the field diagonally at a medium fast walk . The problem is he was mostly in a self-imposed "no shoot Zone", where there is a house beyond the end of the field. He went off the end of the hill in that area where I couldn't see him. I could have tried hollering to stop him when he was beyond the unsafe spot but I didn't. 5 minutes later another Buck came back from the same direction, I saw instantly it was not the same buck but shot it anyway. A small 10-point rack, nothing special. I'm still kicking myself for not making an attempt at that first big boy. I can't change what I didn't do in the past . As far as I know he's still around.
I'm thinking, for my situation, of the ol "bird in the hand worth two in the bush" saying. I've seen some good bucks this year, but the ones I've seen earlier, there are no guarantees that any of them are still around, or even alive at this point. There's a lot of hunters, and poachers, out there after these deer. I'm beginning to 2nd guess my decision a little.
That's a good buck! I'd of had to burn my 2nd tag on him! 🤣

Another classic "high and tight" for the area.
And, for such an extremely slow start for me this year, it's turned out to be one of the best seasons ever, both getting a good buck on opening day of rifle, and seeing multiple big bucks since. :)
Mine as well been four times bring three deer out and could of the forth time just chose not to shoot a doe . May go once more in a stand I killed the seven point where I seen those five coyotes cause now being tagged out I'd definitely bust one of those suckets 😉
If his other beam was full I'd say they would be almost touching.
Happened once to me on a dang great buck late one year . Had five tall tines on one side other side just a few inches of main beam left . Big buck but I just couldn't pull the trigger on him because I wouldn't mounted him like that just was hoping he'd make it until next year . Never met up with him again .