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Food Plots Well...


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2022
Mid TN
We planted this almost a month ago in KY and haven't hardly had a drop of rain until late last week. It's really taken off now.
Lucky you! Looks great. I broadcast seed into two plots and then mowed, got two days of rain but no germination and plots are now brown. What little rain we've gotten since hasn't done anything either. Rough plot year for me.
Lucky you! Looks great. I broadcast seed into two plots and then mowed, got two days of rain but no germination and plots are now brown. What little rain we've gotten since hasn't done anything either. Rough plot year for me.
Pure luck and really cant explain it. I knew for sure it wouldnt make it. This is a first time plot as well! Planted same type seed here in TN Saturday so we will see how that goes in a week or so. Got oats, wheat and crimson for a back up in case ready to go.

Reseed if possible before this coming rain forecast. Just hope it can sustain afterwards. That's what I'm worried about here at home.
Lucky you! Looks great. I broadcast seed into two plots and then mowed, got two days of rain but no germination and plots are now brown. What little rain we've gotten since hasn't done anything either. Rough plot year for me.
Lucky you is right! We have 6 acres of clover plots that I'm going to drill in wheat and oats into Wednesday and then broadcast a mix of arrowleaf, ladino and crimson into after drilling (once the soil is disturbed). They were doing great until the drought.

The other 20 acres were sprayed with 2-4D on 9/2 so we will have to wait to plant it probably next week to plant. Then those 20 acres will be planted in wheat, oats, crimson and rape
I have really liked the eagle smorgasbord mix. A little pricey but it has seemed to hold up better during little to no rain periods. I put this in those smaller acre or less plots then clovers and wheat, oats, etc in the bigger ones.

We will get plots going on the other KY farm next week. Hope ol mother nature is done playing games with the rain for a few weeks. Fingers crossed. Planting a mix of ladino and red clover with some chickory mixed in up there surrounded by crp. Not a total fan of chickory but we shall see. Something different I reckon. I sprayed glypho on everything up there last friday. We will buggy in lime and fert and till in then get to planting.
Nice looking plot. I have had really good results from eagle seed.

I checked yesterday, was 8 days since I planted and no germination yet, despite rain the day of and the day after I planted. Pretty substantial rain forecast for Thursday here, and more on Friday. Will probably be rebroadcasting seed tomorrow.
Nice looking plot. I have had really good results from eagle seed.

I checked yesterday, was 8 days since I planted and no germination yet, despite rain the day of and the day after I planted. Pretty substantial rain forecast for Thursday here, and more on Friday. Will probably be rebroadcasting seed tomorrow.
Thanks! Hopefully this time you get some good germination. That's so frustrating! I'm worried a little about seed washing if we get 2 inches of rain in a hurry. I'm hoping everybody across the board finally gets some much needed rain.
Hopefully this weekends forecast after your recent planting gets you going in the right direction. Yall have definitely had it worse on the west side.
Only time in 37 years I've seen it this bad was two years ago, the 2022 season. Driving across my property yesterday it was like early November. Roads are 3-4" deep in dry, dead leaves. Many trees already completely leafless. Native browse crispy dead. Food plots, completely dead.
Only time in 37 years I've seen it this bad was two years ago, the 2022 season. Driving across my property yesterday it was like early November. Roads are 3-4" deep in dry, dead leaves. Many trees already completely leafless. Native browse crispy dead. Food plots, completely dead.

Same on my place. I heard up north where my Ohio property is at this is the worst drought since the 1930's dust bowl. Not as bad here in southern middle TN but still pretty bad.

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