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Welp, that sucks


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2022
Ten Mile
4 days before the season opener, and this happens while I'm getting some practice in over lunch today. This is my first bow, how long does it usually take to get replacement limbs (it's an Elite Synergy)? Looks like it's covered by warranty from what I see on their website. My son doesn't use his anymore, so guess I'm using his.

Very generous of you and I really appreciate it, but I can use my son's bow since he has no plans of hunting probably till MZ.

No problem. I know what it's like. My pull rope broke once as I began lowering my bow from the stand. It fell 25ft to a dry creek bed and mangled the bottom cam. First sit of the hunt. My buddy shipped his bow overnite from southern CA so I could keep hunting, and I killed the buck first sit with that bow.