West TN rut

spot on! i've always tried to spend as much time as possible in the woods during the last week of november through the first week to 10 days of december. still scratching my head at our place...unusually low numbers of mature buck activity during the day or at night via cell cams, i keep going back to the lack of acorns. in years past we've always seen mature bucks cruising/chasing but this year has been off
Your rut sounds exactly a month later than ours. Peak mature buck movement is the last week of October and first few days of November. Unfortunately, we don't have any type of firearms season open then.

However, this year, with the lack of acorns, everything was delayed about 7 days. In 2022, when we also had a total acorn failure, everything was delayed 10 days.
I'm sitting in a tree as we speak in West TN and it feels dead. Maybe it's the Friday the 13th curse.
For me in extreme SW TN, I plan to hunt second peak when I can. Christmas to end of season. There are always some good mature bucks killed during this window, albeit, some are broken up from fighting, and many are run down, thus lower hanging weights on the hoof.
This buck was chasing a doe at Shelby farms today. I was 15 yds from him, picture doesn't come close how huge his mass was