I've got a buck mounted that has spots all over it that look just like the picture. My brother is the taxidermist who mounted it. He recognized it immediately as tick damage and told me there's nothing he could do shy of getting a different cape.
Fighting. The second buck i killed this year had a lot of short hair and missing hair from fighting. Also had some gouges from tines and scratches through the skin..My son killed this nice 8 pointer over the weekend. The hair on both sides of the deer, from the shoulders to the top of the neck looked like it had crossed paths with the worst barber on earth. It was very patchy, but didn't look like sickness. As ridiculous as it sounds, it kind of looked cut with something like a clipper. Some spots nearly to the skin and some not so much. The buck looked perfectly healthy otherwise. Any ideas?
Ticks! I killed one that constantly stayed in a gas line and he's got the exact same scarring.
Yeah, I too have seen them blast through a fence, hit trees and generally plow through briars to get away. It's certainly a possibility. Thanks for the congratulations. He's one happy kid.The biggest buck I've got mounted has a terrible cape really want to have him redone but just hadn't . He had lots of scar marks that I have assumed was from fighting . Have you ever seen a deer that's spooked go through a fence ? I have if they don't see it they'll try to go through it . Friend shot a buck once in Northern Giles and he first hit a tree which knocked a hunk of bark off then on down the ridge there was hair all over the place even up in some small saplings. Thought at first glance it was the deer but no he rain completely through a barbed wire fence ! We tracked that buck across a dirt road to another property that had been clear cut . When spooked or running from predators they will do amazing things . The buck your son killed may have did some similar, congrats to your son on a nice buck .
My son killed this nice 8 pointer over the weekend. The hair on both sides of the deer, from the shoulders to the top of the neck looked like it had crossed paths with the worst barber on earth. It was very patchy, but didn't look like sickness. As ridiculous as it sounds, it kind of looked cut with something like a clipper. Some spots nearly to the skin and some not so much. The buck looked perfectly healthy otherwise. Any ideas
Don't know about the coat, but beautiful rack. Congrats to himMy son killed this nice 8 pointer over the weekend. The hair on both sides of the deer, from the shoulders to the top of the neck looked like it had crossed paths with the worst barber on earth. It was very patchy, but didn't look like sickness. As ridiculous as it sounds, it kind of looked cut with something like a clipper. Some spots nearly to the skin and some not so much. The buck looked perfectly healthy otherwise. Any ideas?