Well-Known Member
Season is open here in Bama now so i figured i'd go down back and see if i can strike one. I pick a spot down in the drainage and hit my scratch box one time. Gobble right away so i put my headgear and gloves onand give it a bit . I am deaf in one ear and can't tell directions of sounds so i just sit tight. I hit the call again and he gobbles close but i don't know where he is . He goes quiet again and i just keep scanning the woods ahead of me looking hard . I give it 15 and hit the call again and he has moved off now but gobbles . This is so typical of how my hunts end and it frustrates me to no end but i love huntin em. I have a blind i need to set up but i love sittin against a tree . Maybe i can get lucky this season and have a dumb blind one walk in and let me win one this year .
Just thought i'd share
Good luck to all you two ear guys this year
Just thought i'd share
Good luck to all you two ear guys this year