What am I seeing in the data?

Could it possibly be bucks just scoping out different doe groups early on. Then by the second peak bucks just returning to those doe groups. But now some of those doe's actually being in estrous. And now you get the chases and breeding.
Could it possibly be bucks just scoping out different doe groups early on. Then by the second peak bucks just returning to those doe groups. But now some of those doe's actually being in estrous. And now you get the chases and breeding.
Very possible. The first peak is definitely cruising bucks, not breeding activity. The second peak is definitely breeding activity.
By 2:1 ratio i get more 4.5yr+ bucks on camera Halloween day than any other day of the year, year after year.
Maybe they are out trick or treating too 😁 Guys just throwing some fun at a very informative thread . I've really enjoyed you guys commitment to your deer activity !! Success comes to those committed to the cause ....but then you have a guy with a horseshoe up his rectum that does everything wrong but kills the big one ! Sorry to intrude but appreciate this thread wholeheartedly !!!
Crazy how so many hunters are seeing the same thing. Right around October 31 and November 1 is peak time for mature bucks on my place.
I normally am excited around that time frame but on the farm we got no major movement till the 3rd week of November. I contribute it to weather and Helena strom.🤔

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