What an AWESOME morning

Wes Parrish said:
Looks like your localized area there had a particularly good hatch in 2009, and good poult survival. Most of the Toms "appear" to be 2-yr old birds to me. Two-yr olds are the most vocal, and their gobbling seems to be contagious in getting any older birds to chime in. You should have some more AWESOME mornings this Spring. :)

yeah i agree. It looks to me like alot of 2 year olds. Last year there was a BIG group of jakes late in the year that ruled the place. I mean they would run off any mature bird in the area and i started to get pretty pissed about it. Seems that big group of 12 are all now 2 year olds and were up to there old tricks today. There were a few older birds that came out by themselves but that wad of 2 year olds would not let them into the flock. I have a good fight on video and i am trying to upload it now to post. Either way it should be a very fun year for sure
I updated the original post with the video below but will add it here as well just because it was so cool to see it

updated with the other video camera i had...the battery died but still got a few good mins. In this one you can see the fight that transpired between the big wad of 2 year olds...it went well beyond what i filmed and they ended up chasing that one out of the field...there were a few other fights after that between some other LB's and some hens...also notice the cool jake with the white tip fan

DUDE THAT IS AWESOME! Man I wish you and the younguns the very best! Really enjoyed your video, if that doesnt get a turkey hunter ready to get after'em, then he needs to just sleep in and not bother! GOOD LUCK!!

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