What did you do today in the reloading room?

Hunting near Ridgeway in the southwest part of CO. Leaving Saturday and pumped about the trip. I've tried IMR4350 (shoots almost as well) and 7828ssc (doesn't shoot so well). It's a Christensen Ridgeline andis it's really picky but I'm finally happy with it.
Yesterday I cleaned the gun i hunted with last year, and then shot a few rounds just for confidence in my load and gun. First shot after cleaning was at the lower right square, shots 3 and 4 almost dead center. Ballistic advantage stainless fluted 20 inch 6.5cm barrel. 143 grain eldx over 42 grains imr4350, hornady brass.

Yep, it's ready.
All 7mm08 brass (245) FL sized, cleaned, primered up (Fed 210)
Objective is to validate current 120 gr NBT and 140 gr Accubond loads and then load up 100 of the 120's and 50 of the 140's for the Axis gift.

Remainder will go into the single shot 7mm08.
Loaded some 7mm08 with 120 NBT Blue Tips and 140 Accubonds.

Did some extra casework on 50 270 brass. Did 50 more yesterday.

Freaked out when a new .45 disc for my Lee auto press arrived. Rusty. Dirty. corroded. Not new. I am missing business not being able to load 45's and I am not happy. No one I normally do business with had the disc. Back I go to Lee. They don;t have it but I am gonna plead my case AKA beg,

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