Although off topic, let me just say that, in my opinion, the Top 3 reasons for the spread of CWD have been:
1) Deer farming - keeping deer at high densities in enclosures, and the sale and transport of deer between farms is easily the number #1 cause of the spread of CWD around the country.
2) Transport of live deer by hunters - One of the dark secrets of deer management is how often hunters/land-owners have illegally purchased and released deer onto their properties from deer farms for the purpose of "improving genetics." This has been far more widespread of a practice than most realize, especially about 10-15 years ago. I know it took place at a much higher rate than most hunters would believe. It's just Human Nature to look for the "easy answer" to any problem, even though genetics was never the problem (but the answer is too complicated, hence people jump for the easy one instead).
3) Natural deer behavior - This one is critical, and the reason we will never stop the spread of CWD. It is believed CWD spreads across local populations by infection through bodily fluids, especially saliva and urine. And how do deer communicate in the natural environment? Through saliva and urine. Deer communicate all year round through licking branches. Every deer that passes by a licking branch will mouth and lick it. How do deer communicate during the breeding season? Through urine. Every deer that passes by a communal scrape will sniff and taste the urine-soaked dirt in a scrape. When natural behavior is the primary means a disease spreads, stopping that disease is nearly impossible.