What drove you over the edge??

Crow Terminator

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 1999
Reaction score
McMinn County
Everybody had to have a reason to make you start doing all your archery stuff yourself. Whether it be a bad archery shop experience, or lack of archery shops in your area, or maybe you're just a do-it-yourself kind of person. I'm interested in hearing your stories though.

I've always been the kind of guy that appreciated the sponsors of the websites I go to. I tried to do equal business at all of them that sponsor here and other places I go to a lot. I loved Eagle's Wings to death when they were around. I had several shops within 20-30 minutes of me, and I'd drive over an hour to get to EWA.

I guess for me, I got into the arrow fletching thing for myself because I hated having somebody else do it for me, Most folks act like you're asking them to give up a hand or something to fletch your arrows, and I got tired of having to wait on them and make due with what color/type fletch they had. So I started getting a jig or two and buying fletch. No big deal...I could do my own as needed, and then folks at work started sending me "business" and I'd buy more material or another jig with what they paid me to fletch their arrows.

I went to get some new arrows yesterday and all I needed done was to have them cut off. I can put the nocks in them and the inserts in them myself at home. No big deal. I even had an arrow to measure by. So literally, all that had to be done was get a half dozen shafts, cut them to length, and make a bill out so I could be rang up at the desk. Well there were 2 folks ahead of me and I just kinda checked in to let them know I was there and what I needed then browsed around and waited my turn. They didn't have the arrows that I went in for, but that was okay, I was going to make due with what they had which was my 2nd choice anyway. In that time period, there were 3-4 others that came in after me...all of which got helped and out the door before me. After about 30 minutes I just meandered out the door with nothing.

I drove 30 minutes one way to get there. Left frustrated and empty handed. And if I can help it, will never go back or support them in any way; by store purchases or by shooting their 3d tourneys. I am ordering my own arrow saw. Will get a bow press later on this year. And from now on, will order all my gear from the online stores. I'll get the exact equipment I want and do it all myself. I hate to be that way, but man, enough is enough!
I guess part of it for me was when I realized I knew more about somethings than the people I was going to did. The fact that there were no archery shops around that I felt really knew what they were doing or that I trusted. Acting like I am bothering you or having a bunch of good ole boys standing around and being more concerned with talking to them than helping customers will get me to be done with a place quicker than anything. Right now I can do everything at home a shop can do except cut arrows. I just don't go through enough to justify a saw. Its a great feeling to not have to rely on someone you don't really trust.
I took my brand new bowtech over to HA at sportsmans choice to have a D-loop tied on and a peep sight searved in. I had to take off work early because I worked til 5 and he closed at 6 and I work in west knox he's in halls. So I had to take off early. I get overthere and there are 3-4 employees standing there chewin the fat. this was about a quarter to six. I told them what I needed and they said leave the bow and we'll call you when its done. I said can we not just fix it up real quick so i won't have to take of work again. He flat out said NO. So I grabbed my bow off the counter and asked him how the hell he was even going to searve my peep in with out my being there anyway? His answer was that he had been doing this for years and he knew what he was doing. That was it for me I went to gander and got some d-loop material and searving and that is the last time I have had a pro shop do any work on my bows. I wish I didn't have to order parts through them.
Teresa made me get a jig and fletch my own to save me some money. I still don't want anyone but John touching my bow.
I had an archery shop screw up my initial setup on a new bow . When I learned of their error from paper tuning , I never went back . I do my own setup , bow tuning , restringing , setting cam rollover and timing , cam lean , and arrow fletching .
I enjoyed working on bows . I miss it . I haven't shot or touched a bow since moving to KC.
I personally have never had an issue with eaither of the 2 bow shops (CK Outfitters in Woodlawn, and High Desert Archery in Las Cruses NM)that I use. I am however picky about WHO works on my bow. Theres one guy in each shop that I go to. I dont know much about the tech side of workin on a bow, but Im lucky enough to have made friends with a guy at th NM shop who is learnin me some things. And Ill always be loyal to those 2 shops.
I can't do all of it at my house b/c I don't have a press, but I do as much as possible myself. My shooting partner has a press and is very, very good at tuning.

What drove me to doing it myself (tuning, arrow building, etc.) was a progression of things.

First - shops taking a "good enough" approach to tuning. Some, not all, shops just tried to get it close that bothered me. I don't want a good enough tune or good enough arrow flight. I want it right.

Second - a couple of guys from here and other friends showed me the basics and helped me understand that it's not that hard. I was timid to start making changes b/c I too worried about messing something up. Not now.

I started building my own arrows pretty much right away. Then I did minor tuning. Now I'll do any of it except center serving :D
JayMc said:
I can't do all of it at my house b/c I don't have a press, but I do as much as possible myself. My shooting partner has a press and is very, very good at tuning.

What drove me to doing it myself (tuning, arrow building, etc.) was a progression of things.

First - shops taking a "good enough" approach to tuning. Some, not all, shops just tried to get it close that bothered me. I don't want a good enough tune or good enough arrow flight. I want it right.

Second - a couple of guys from here and other friends showed me the basics and helped me understand that it's not that hard. I was timid to start making changes b/c I too worried about messing something up. Not now.

I started building my own arrows pretty much right away. Then I did minor tuning. Now I'll do any of it except center serving :D

Tuning can be a time consuming task that can take a couple of hours on a bow that needs allot of work , therefore I don't think a proshop can spend that much time on one bow and make money .
I like to pay attention to detail when it comes to tuning and arrow building. I'll spin test a broadhead ferrule in an insert before the epoxy glue sets . There was only one shop that I know of that did this and he showed me how .
I might have to check out Carter's Archery nearby (Cracker's on Archerytalk) though and see what the buzz is all about . :)