What got you into trad ??


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2011
Reaction score
Mt. Eagle
just curious what was that made you get into shoot'n a traditional bow ??

Me: back in the day the 3d shoots had juststarted & everyone was shoot'n with over draws, to me the bows got heavy, clunky, noisey, all the vibrations form the bow shook all th eparts loose, everything rattled & buzzed with each shot, bows were constanly out of tune & just a hassle to deal with, it took the fun out of it for me.

I test drove a recurve I seen in a pawn shop & just loved it, it was quiet, light weight, uncluttered, simple, & nothing to work on, nothing more than a stick & string, the light had come on, less was more.
I owned one of Hoyt's first machined riser bows. I was having problems with my sight pins not staying locked in one year and took the sight off. I was shooting the compound without sights that year. one day after the morning hunt I was scouting around the lease, toting that bow and my arm was tired. when I got home I weighed that bow and it checked in at 8-1/2 lbs, loaded. I figured right then if I was going to shoot without sights do it right. I sold that bow the next day, bought a recurve and haven't looked back. that was about 16 years ago.
The challenge of something new got me started but just the plain fun of shooting a traditional is why I'm still hooked 15 years later. Now I still have a compound and will hunt with it a few times. But I can quote a couple of fellows who I have let shoot one of my recurves " I never new missing could be so much fun ". And fun is what it should be about cause if it ain't fun then its work and I would much rather have fun than work. And if there is anyone reading this that is thinking of getting into a traditional bow let me say this, it is the most fun you can have with a stick and string and don't let anyone discourage you from trying it just because you get a lower priced bow. I can tell you I have just as much fun shooting one that cost $150 as I have had shooting custom made ones. Its all fun and exciting.
Cool stuff ya'll, have to say this year I've been hot into my recurve & its turn'n into th esam ething it was years ago, first it had to have a "check up" since it had'nt been shot in a few years, then new sights, arrows, & now maybe a new release.

only thing my old recurve needs is practiced with, the advantages of the recurve are come'n back to me every time I have to dish out more cash, hate not hunt my compound but consider'n the cash factor it takes a lot away from it.

Glad to see all the replys.
It was about the challenge for me. I like learning new skills and my last compound kill was at 55 yards, so I took the leap. Really glad I did! I love getting super close for a shot and since I'm not very consistent past 25 yards, all of my trad kills have been close.
The thought of going to the woods with a simple but effective bow intrigued me, and it still does. Watching arrows fly out of a traditional bow sealed the deal for me.
Let me rephrase that last statement...been hot & heavy into my COMPOUND a lot lately,,,& its turn'n into a money pit, not my recurve, its still a cheap date, just the way I like it.

Sorry for the mix up.

Lost Lake has a good point, just something about the arrow cast thats just intrest'n , & I thought it was just me.
I am of Native American descent and as a kid always thought of myself as a little indian. I always loved the way a recurve looked and my mother bought me a bear grizzly when I turned 10. My good buddies Dad always shot recurves and cedar arrows, I thought he was very cool and being more Native American than me I tried to be more like him. He just added fuel to a fire. 28 years later I still shoot that recurve and the recurve limbed compound I bought after that and the recurves that I have made since then. I found a 13 year old who is asking about making self bows, self arrows, deer hunting, processing meat, and fishing. I'm going to give him a bunch of attention to help fuel that fire. The circle keeps going...He's a white kid by the way, no brown skin. I won't hold it against him.LOL
Cool, good of you to pass it on, all you have to do is put a bow in his hands & show him the basics so the light will come on.

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