what Greg McELroy says about the vols

I'm aware that Dobbs was trying to be redshirted. Worley hasn't ever played a full season due to injury, therefore having Peterman as a first backup option was plain poor planning. I'm sure the vol fans don't see it that way, and I'm okay with that.
Peterman was only the back up cause dobbs was redshirted. Not because they thought peaterman was better.so unless you wanna go ahead and start the season with out even trying to red shirt dobbs then who do you have as worleys back up?
Not even trying to red shirt dobbs is worse planning then trying JMO.
Hangnail said:
I'm aware that Dobbs was trying to be redshirted. Worley hasn't ever played a full season due to injury, therefore having Peterman as a first backup option was plain poor planning. I'm sure the vol fans don't see it that way, and I'm okay with that.

It is of no concern to you or Bama as to why it went down the way it did. Your team won and will be in the playoff and TN will fight just to get to a bowl. Worley is gone, and Dobbs will be the guy next year, no questions asked. A decision was made by Butch Jones to roll with his senior Worley and redshirt Dobbs. Had the Oline been better and Worley not injured it would have worked well enough.
Odd that it's none of a Bama fan's concern, yet there's no shortage of vols giving their opinions about what happens in Tuscaloosa. If you don't want to talk about college football, don't post on college football threads. In the meantime, I'll call it like I see it if I choose to do so. I'm sure you'll do the same.

I fail to see how a vol fan can't see the mistake made by the coaching staff. It's plain to everyone but vols. In Butch you trust, I'm just glad it's you.
Hey, keep calling it man. This is one Vol that don't give a rats tail about what goes on in Tuscaloosa.

I thought we were talking about college football. You are always right though so my mistake.

Mistake by Butch or not, I'm not the coach, I don't draw the big check, nothing I do or say has any affect on anything that happens on a college football field on Saturdays. I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. NEITHER DO YOU.

Do you piss excellence every day of the week or just on days when Bama plays.
I meant that in the nicest way BTW.

All of these measuring matches have just about wore me out. I really need to be in the woods more.
If the people that can decide what happens on Saturdays are the only ones that can discuss what happens on Saturdays, are you going to watch with the same interest? No.

You vols spend months talking up the vol staff, whine like two year olds when someone else says something to pop your bubble, but now, today, nobody should talk about college ball because we don't have any influence? Geez, Louise, that's about the most incredible thing I've read all season. Thousands of people make their living TALKING ABOUT COLLEGE FOOTBALL, yet they shouldn't.

You've been in on a ton of Bama threads. On second thought, I'd say you've posted on just about every thread about Alabama.

I think you and what's his name should go talk about bras some more. Maybe try on different sizes...
You take yourself way too seriously. The way you talk, it has that "I'm better than you" ring to it. Do you really think your better than me and if so, why? Football aside.
I'm not really sure what the rant about NOT TALKING ABOUT COLLEGE FOOTBALL was all about either. Are we not and have we not been, talking about college football?

What I said about you and I not having any effect on the game was aimed at what you said about Butch Jones decision about starting Dobbs. I could have called Butches office and said hey Butch you need to start Dobbs against Alabama. Do you think he would have? Coaches make those decisions. Not you and me. Sure, we can discuss it all we want to but in the end we don't really have an impact on the game itself.
TeamMainStreet said:
You take yourself way too seriously. The way you talk, it has that "I'm better than you" ring to it. Do you really think your better than me and if so, why? Football aside.

I don't even know how to respond to this.
Worely is a pretty darn good quarterback, till he got hurt. You were not at thr practices so what makes you or any of us an expert? Apparently Dobbs had some problems earlier in the season he overcame and they were hoping to redshirt him
Once again, is it against the internet laws to discuss what is going on in Knoxville? You guys just skip along, whistling Rocky Top, taking everything that you're fed from the staff as a positive move. Something happens with another team and you pounce like a pack of wolves, wearing out the smiley face icons in the process.

buckaroo, nobody is saying Worley wasn't worthy of being the starter. Unfortunately for him, his oline couldn't keep him healthy. It's been this way every year during his college career. If you want to think there was a snowball's chance that Peterman was a real option after Worley got hurt, you can buy what the staff is selling if you want.
↑↑↑↑ dude Dobbs would have been the back up if he didnt have a REDSHIRT everyone had said this media I think even coaches. Everyone knew dobbs was better then Peterman?? Thats why they wanted to redshirt him and have him 3 more years? Whats so hard to understand about that? And yes peaterman was there only option? Cause they didnt wanna lose the REDSHIRT. So they tried him for I dont know what 1/4 a game against bama and then put dobbs in and your freaking out about it? Whats it matter lol its done and over with? Chill.
It's pretty obvious who the coaches thought the real backup was because he is playing right now. But before Worley was injured, Dobbs was going to be shirted so why would he be listed any higher than 3rd string. He was never meant to play this year assuming Worley finished out so why would they list him as backup?

Worley was the starter because he was competent enough and was the senior leader. Peterman was listed as backup with the thoughts of coming in during some mop up duty wether we were winning big or losing bad. Dobbs was listed 3rd string because assuming Worley stayed healthy, he was never meant to play this year period.
Why are you guys even answering a bammer fan? You KNOW that a casual bandwagon bammer knows more about Tennessee's players than the coach that makes $millions to coach them and is with them every single day in practice. I sometimes wonder why the TNDeer football experts aren't being mentioned for the florida job.

Spur, you don't even know what a troll is. It isn't personal, it's your personality.

I've grown tired of the uselessness. We'll continue when there's something to discuss that isn't so close to home for so many.