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What hunting shows do you watch?

Bill Winke
Cody Robbins-Live to Hunt(mainly for the mule deer)
Jim Shockey (if he is hunting Yukon Moose)
Management Advantage (online)

I used to watch Lee & Tiffany. But Tiffany's looks wore off and now she gets on my nerves. Lee knows whitetails but putting up with her and all the sponsors they have to put in every sentence was more than I could stand..

I used to be a big fan of the Drurys and learned a lot from their videos back in the day. But all they do now is have competitions about everything. I used to watch anything with whitetails on it. But it's getting to where they just make me mad and "just hunting" is the last thing they do... The TV hunting is all about money and it's getting worse.. I'd rather watch adventure hunting than whitetail hunting. Sheep, Mountain goats, dangerous game, etc....
I don't specifically watch any of them but when I do watch tv I go to the 3 or 4 channels that have them on and stop at the first one that catches my fancy.
Turd Farmer said:
Doesn't anyone watch Driven with Pat and Nicole?

I personally can't stand the show. Haven't watched but the opening of it and that's all it took. It's all so fake...and sounds like your living in a fantasy movie...
the CRUSH because I have one on Tiffany....and they hunt a lot on their own property and are very selective.

I like Michael Waddell and his bunch.

I mostly watch these shows to look at the deer anyway.....but getting a laugh out of the Bone Collector crew or a smile from Tiffany is just a plus..lol.
Turd Farmer said:
Doesn't anyone watch Driven with Pat and Nicole?

True story....last year I was in KY at an outfitters and they were hunting there. The head guide had a fit one morning due to when he went to pick them up Nichole had to go into town to have her nails done.

This is the absolute truth.
Arch-N said:
Turd Farmer said:
Doesn't anyone watch Driven with Pat and Nicole?

True story....last year I was in KY at an outfitters and they were hunting there. The head guide had a fit one morning due to when he went to pick them up Nichole had to go into town to have her nails done.

This is the absolute truth.

That's hilarious
I like The Crush because they are hunting there own property. I used to really like Heartland Bowhunter but it hasn't seemed as good to me this season. I am a few shows behind on my dvr & am hoping when they get to hunting whitetails it will get better. I also like to watch Shockey hunting or guiding for moose in the Yukon but could care less about him hunting something in Africa or wherever.
Best part of The Crush is watching Lee and Tiffany shamelessly pimp WGI junk and make the totally absurd claim that their cams are the best on the market. Amazing what people will do and say for money.
I've never even heard of 90% of these shows; I must not get these channels. I just wish someone would put out a show that was actually educational and not merely intended for amusement. They could still plug products; they'd have to to pay the bills. For me, I get absolutely 0 entertainment value out of seeing a big buck killed and not knowing what led up to it. I mean what's so great about seeing a 60 second clip of: man sees deer, deer walks within range, man shoots deer, man tracks/recovers deer. Seriously, how many times can you watch the same story line before you're like, "this sucks."

I guess I'm in the minority because they're making million$.
None of them.

Not that I would be totally opposed to SOME of them, but knowing that most are piecemealed together (not a single real hunt) and approaching "canned hunt" status (if not outright), I have little interest. Besides that, nearly every celebrity-endorsed hunting product I've purchased has turned out to be over-priced junk and gimmicks.

Just seem to always have something better to do with my time.

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