what is your turkey gun of choice

My 40 yr old Browning Auto 5 with a 30 inch full choke barrel. I know I'm behind the times, but I it's still reliable and I don't have the money right now for a new one.
Remington 11-87...man what a shooter!

It is my designated turkey dropper.

I have an 870 with a rifled barrel and scope for my deer gun.
I just went to a Benelli Super Black Eagle with a Kicks GT tube, and I love it so far! I had to get rid of my Remington 870 SM as after a couple different chokes the 21" barrel just never would perform to my standards, so it now has a new home!
Bucks & Beards said:
My 40 yr old Browning Auto 5 with a 30 inch full choke barrel. I know I'm behind the times, but I it's still reliable and I don't have the money right now for a new one.

no problem with old guns, mines about 35 yrs old lol. marlin 120 magnum full choke
stoeger M2000 with an IC choke and a Mueller quick shot sight.

870 as my spare.

i REALLLLLY want a SBE2 though and one day i will own one.
I am using a Beretta AL391 Urika upland game gun. Have a Jellyhead in it and works great.

If I could I would be buying one of the new 835 Turkey Thug with adjustable trigger. Sounds like a great package.
I have used my SBEII with a Kicks choke for the past couple of seasons. But this season, however, I switched to a NWTF Charles Daly with an Undertaker choke tube because it fits me better and is lighter.

I know I know, its a shame that the SBEII is collecting dust.
CAMARO12 said:
Winchester said:
I just went to a Benelli Super Black Eagle with a Kicks GT tube, and I love it so far! I had to get rid of my Remington 870 SM as after a couple different chokes the 21" barrel just never would perform to my standards, so it now has a new home!
What size Kick's tube and what load are you shooting?
Im using a kicks GT in .655 with Winchester Xtended range #6's and it shoots them very well! Ive patterned it from 40 to 55 yards with excellent results, averages 300 pellets in 10" circle at 45 yards.
Forty year old Ithica 10 guage auto.Most of my friends have been through two or three guns that are much lighter and nicer,but I endure the weight for sentimental reasons.I have missed my share,but have also killed a lot of gobblers with this gun.It is 100% effective at 50 yards if it is pointed at the turkey's noggin and I am not too torn up.
Winchester said:
CAMARO12 said:
Winchester said:
I just went to a Benelli Super Black Eagle with a Kicks GT tube, and I love it so far! I had to get rid of my Remington 870 SM as after a couple different chokes the 21" barrel just never would perform to my standards, so it now has a new home!
What size Kick's tube and what load are you shooting?
Im using a kicks GT in .655 with Winchester Xtended range #6's and it shoots them very well! Ive patterned it from 40 to 55 yards with excellent results, averages 300 pellets in 10" circle at 45 yards.

I was shooting the same setup last year. I missed 3 birds within 25 yards of me because my load was so tight.
Mossberg 835 ( old one with the woodland camo)- Jelly Head Choke- Nitro 4x5x7s- Limbsaver recoil pad. It's a bad mamma-jamma.

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