What made these marks?

Deer's hooves as the deer paw and turn up the soil looking for the highest salt content. My salt licks are covered in those type of deer paw marks.
My guess is deer but bears con travel thru. I found black bear remains in wayne co a couple of years ago.
Football Hunter said:
Figured deer,but the 3 marks threw me off,could be just not looking at it right

Two paw marks overlapping, and the second "paw" happens to fall perfectly to produce three marks instead of four.
The pattern is ir regular but deer do this as they are trying to get the compacted soil up in an effort to eat dirt,salt and all....seen it many many times but this doesn't have a pattern of the deers hoof but I have seen it many times with clear clove marks.
Top picture, there is the beginnings of the fourth drag mark at the top.
Just above the "hole" you see in the picture.