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What made this?


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2002
Knoxville, TN USA
There are deer, elk, bear, cubs, pigs, and lots of other critters in this area on the North Cumberland. Kinda early for a whitetail rub. Seen some elk rubs in the area, but not like this. First thought was bear scratching, but must be a very lazy bear, or an extremely short one. Any ideas?


  • Rub.webp
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Im not sure about this one.

It's probably way too dry to locate any tracks nearby.
It's hard to say but most of the elk rubs I seen years ago went way up the tree, no mistaking 1 for a whitetail rub. too high for beaver.
Posted the same pic on another site and several suggested porcupine. But from what I can find, they don't live in TN. What about armadillos? Never seen any in this area, but they are moving east. The area around the tree is trampled tho. Wouldn't think something small would do that.

I thought human origins, but it's a dead-end trail. Didn't see any human footprints in the mud on the trail. And the only ATV tracks were mine from a few weeks ago.
Not an armadillo. Looks like an elk rub. They are more robust out west, and many times on smaller trees, but timing wise, this is when elk are in full swing rut out west. Thats my guess
I've seen several recent elk rubs in this area, and wallows. And yes, the elk rubs are on smaller trees, and much higher.

It wasn't there a few weeks ago when I was riding, and it was oozing sap, so it is definitely recent.

Are porcupines in east TN?

Thanks guys.
If it was an elk? Wouldn't it go higher up to? Whitetail?? here there making some scraps now. Seen a crazy horse do it. Just to be doing it.

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