Rhinehart 18-1
I've had a bunch of targets over the years. The Blocks are about worthless in my opinion if you are going to do much shooting at all. From all indications and reviews, the SpyderWeb targets are gonna be your best for the money. I've not owned one but I have shot into them, and that will be my next target no doubt. I know where one of the big range ones is at, that has been shot who knows how many thousands of times and is just now starting to have shot out places in it after about 10 years.
As far as portable targets go, the Rhinehart 81-1 is a good little target. It's a touch on the small side and I like to put a backstop behind mine. I am always changing stuff on my bow and seeing how it does so sometimes after a major adjustment on the bow, hitting that small target is hard to do on the first shot. I wish they made a bigger square version made of the same material. I've shot mine hundreds of times already, ranging from point blank with 330 fps bows to further more common distances, and not even came close to a pass through or even burying to the fletch. I've shot through two brand new Block targets...I owned one of them and shot through a friend of mines too. I have thought about painting mine a lighter color though...the black and neon makes it hard for me to see my arrows in the target (black with navy blue fletch). The only colors I've played with to show up good thus far have been all white or my wife's hot pink colors.