What time in the morning?

Wish I had a gun case or a lot of beer cans... I guess I will park straight across the opening to the trail where the barrier is that keeps motor vehicles off. There will be plenty of room for others to park around but I think it will be obvious with me blocking off the main entrance into the land. We'll see if there are any who still want to come and hunt with company... should I head out if I get company or only if they are causing too much trouble?
Well my take on the company part is: If a solo hunter pulls up and you get a chance to chat just feel him out and you never know, you guys could go for a double and maybe learn something from one another or even better yet have future hunts planned as well. If you don't get that warm fuzzy feeling from said dude then maybe just say "hey bud just to let you know where I am at I'm gonna be about 300 yards down this way and work my way over that way and don't want us to be bumpin in to each other all morning". If he don't seem to friendly then sometimes you just gotta go do your thing, or sometimes you have to back up and regroup. These days I mostly solo hunt with my four year old in tow, but have had many a great hunts with 2 and sometimes three guys.
If the gate is across a road, do not block the gate. There may be an emergency and appropriate folks may need to get in to help.
InfoMan said:
If the gate is across a road, do not block the gate. There may be an emergency and appropriate folks may need to get in to help.

Didn't think of that, thanks. I will keep that in mind and leave plenty of room to get by should an emergency vehicle need to pass through the gate.
WRbowhunter said:
I always try to get to the parking lot 1/2 hour to 45 minutes before the average hunter would show up. sometimes it does not stop them from following you into the woods though. Last year had this one little spot on the wma that I wanted to hunt. Got there real early. had 5 trucks attempt to pull in but saw me then left. All you can do is try to get there first and hunt. you don't have much control over anything else. Just don't get to frustrated. Its suppose to be fun.

I had a draw hunt on a wma one time and was the first to get to the parking area. These two older guys pulled up as I began walking and stopped me to talk. I told them where I was planning on starting and they said that they knew that spot and had been hearing turkeys there. I take off walking and they follow behind me. There was a small ditch of water to cross and I noticed they were having trouble so I helped them get across. As I got near the spot I wanted to hunt, a bird gobbled very early, within 100 yards. I guess they did not hear the gobble because I could hear them talking as they approached me. I turned away from the bird, towards the two guys and flashed the light on my phone to get there attention. They stopped and I could hear them saying "there is that guy". I hooted and the turkey gobbled so I continued getting my decoy ready and ease towards the bird and set up. They went about 50 yards to my right and set up and started calling at the turkey, in the pitch black darkness. I was so pissed, I just stood up, got my decoy and continued walking straight at the bird, made a loop and went deeper in the bottom and killed a turkey. Some people are just like that I guess. I should have let them get wet crossing the ditch.

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