What yardage do you set your sight pins at.

BigCountry71 said:
With the speed of todays bows i set my pins up this way. Instead of 20, 30, 40 and so on.

I get a yardage lets say 20yrd. I have my arrow hitting right at the top of the bull. Then i step back shooting until my arrow hits the bottom of the bull. Lets say that number ends up being 35yrd. So now i know my first pin is good from 20 to 35

Then i do the same thing with my second pin. Starting again from where im hitting top of bull then walking back till i hit bottom of bull.. This keeps me from having my pins stacked up on one another.
BigCountry71 said:
With the speed of todays bows i set my pins up this way. Instead of 20, 30, 40 and so on.

I get a yardage lets say 20yrd. I have my arrow hitting right at the top of the bull. Then i step back shooting until my arrow hits the bottom of the bull. Lets say that number ends up being 35yrd. So now i know my first pin is good from 20 to 35

Then i do the same thing with my second pin. Starting again from where im hitting top of bull then walking back till i hit bottom of bull.. This keeps me from having my pins stacked up on one another.

Exactly the same as I do. Todays bows really makes the pins tighten up so much. Havig a 10,20,30, 40 etc you would basically be stacking the in the sight area.
I like 3 pins 20,40.60 that way the pins are apart enough to not obstruct my vision and shoot between pins on 30,50.
This has worked well for me on the last 100 or so bow kills.
Keep in mind I use the SAME bow for 3-D as well as hunting. The only thing I do is switch to a heavier arrow, and palstic vanes. These are more durable than my 3-D feathers for multiple kills with ONE arrow. I find feathers are just not as re-usable after passing through the ribs of a deer.

I start at 25 yards and sight in my top pin dead on at that distance in a ONE inch dot. Then I shoot at 10, 15, and 30 yards to see how much "gapping" is needed to hit that dot. Then, I memorize this and shoot OVER AND OVER again at these known distance, and everything in between until I become VERY accurate at any distance inside 30 yards. Then, before the season begins, I change arrows, put on broadheads, and climb a tree to practice. I ALWAYS have to move my pins up a little to compensate for the 30 feet of elevation from a stand. It is called PRACTICE!

(Sorry, couldn't resist) I am BORED!

BTW, we surveyed over 300 bow kills and found...the average shot was 19 yards!!!

102 said:
This has worked well for me on the last 100 or so bow kills.
Keep in mind I use the SAME bow for 3-D as well as hunting. The only thing I do is switch to a heavier arrow, and palstic vanes. These are more durable than my 3-D feathers for multiple kills with ONE arrow. I find feathers are just not as re-usable after passing through the ribs of a deer.

I start at 25 yards and sight in my top pin dead on at that distance in a ONE inch dot. Then I shoot at 10, 15, and 30 yards to see how much "gapping" is needed to hit that dot. Then, I memorize this and shoot OVER AND OVER again at these known distance, and everything in between until I become VERY accurate at any distance inside 30 yards. Then, before the season begins, I change arrows, put on broadheads, and climb a tree to practice. I ALWAYS have to move my pins up a little to compensate for the 30 feet of elevation from a stand. It is called PRACTICE!

(Sorry, couldn't resist) I am BORED!

BTW, we surveyed over 300 bow kills and found...the average shot was 19 yards!!!

Good info thanks