What's "needed" to turkey hunt

Re: What's

I'm really fighting the urge to turn this into a good ol fashion decoy debate. Why all the focus on guns? I hand load because I enjoy it and because the product is undeniably superior. And I have a red dot and really like it. But - even if we call those gadgets - I use a lot fewer gadgets than most turkey hunters I know.
Re: What's

Southern Sportsman":1ns6vbkm said:
I'm really fighting the urge to turn this into a good ol fashion decoy debate. Why all the focus on guns? I hand load because I enjoy it and because the product is undeniably superior. And I have a red dot and really like it. But - even if we call those gadgets - I use a lot fewer gadgets than most turkey hunters I know.

Letter rip
Re: What's

I was half kidding. Just when I think of turkey hunting gadgets and things that really change the style of the sport from something simple to something requiring a lot of "stuff" - decoys and tents are the first think that come to mind. Not chokes and shells. But nobody was bashing decoys yet. I didn't take your original post as "bashing." I get what you're saying.
I sometimes miss the old days where hardly anyone turkey hunted and now it seem every one does

I miss that more than anything. Lots of birds and very few hunters. Yeah dont need tss or hevi and lead kills fine but if not for invention we'd all be throwing rocks to kill one.
To my detriment I'm not the most patient turkey hunter. I like to move and reposition a lot. Because of that I put a lot of miles in during the turkey season. For me a must have is a good pair of socks and boots. I like the Mossy Oak merino wool socks. They hold up well and are versatile when you may start a morning at 40 degrees sitting on a roosted bird and end up 15 miles later sweating and it's 70 degrees. Also they are pretty cheap. I like them so much I wear them everyday of the year. I'm currently looking for a new pair of hiking boots to purchase. I want to buy a high quality pair but haven't settled on which brand or model yet…

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Re: What's

Roost 1":gd2pqlmp said:
My phiosophy is "You're only as good as your spot." You can have this or that but if you don't have birds the rest really don't matter. Imo!!!
Exactly. Target rich low pressure environment beats all the gadgets, technology, Hollywood camo and improvements money can buy. Some of the best old school turkey hunters (killers) are the simplest hunters I know. They oftentimes buy their camo/calls/shells/etc after season on clearance. They're camo is old school, they don't have 1,321 stickers on their truck and guns, but their patience, woodsmanship and ability to course a bird is second to none. It seems they're a dying breed these days.
Re: What's

Uncle Jesse":2q7pgdrz said:
Turkey hunting, like anything else, has folks that take it very serious. They get caught up in the hevi nitro super tight jelly black eagle head extended flite ported red dot range hey look my shells are bulged at the crimp... mentality, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that but it can be overwhelming to a new comer.

I got caught up in it when Remington started selling Hevi shot. I bought 2 boxes of 3.5's and killed turkeys with it but I also missed several birds. The times I missed were the "easy" shots too. I live near a WMA and every year during turkey season I hear... BOOM, BOOM, BOOM like duck season is open. Knowing they missed at least twice and possibly all 3 times, I often wonder if it's due to a very tight pattern.

I have since gone back to basics with a single shot H&R with a fixed full choke shooting 2 3/4 #5 lead shells and wouldn't trade it for any other turkey gun out there.

The point I'm trying to make is that if someone wants to turkey hunt and they have a factory full choke that came with their gun, as most guns do, then some patterning with different loads is all that's needed. No trouble at all to get killing patterns out to 35 yards or more, but don't expect oohs and ahhs when you show your buddys the patterns. That's when you gotta shell out some money :grin:

Honestly patterning my gun was the beginning of the end for me.. Back in the day I just screwed in a "turkey choke" and went and had never missed a bird with the bead sight.. Then it finally happened and actually twice in the same day and the man that taught me asked if I had ever patterned my gun and I said "no I have never needed too" So mid hunt we nailed some paper to a tree and noticed my pattern was a bit high and that's when it all went down hill...
I am certainly guilty I have bought 2 different guns, countless chokes, red dots, TSS, blends you name and have missed countless birds since.... Now I am messed up in the head over it.. :bash:

Anyways it all depends on where you turkey hunt but for me I like too some ground so good boots are essential items!