Whats the deal with RAGE ?


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2003
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Warren Co
Seriously, do they promise you everlasting life, a trip on a flying saucer, and all the koolaid you can drink?

Im trying to figure out why rage users instantly become poster children and spokespeople as soon as they buy a pack. They running some sort of amateur spokesperson contest?

I have killed deer with a variety of broad heads and as long as I do my job, the broad head has done its.

Its just strange this cult known as rage users.

They credit the broad head as if they broad head scouted for them, gave them a week off work to hunt, made them breakfast, drove them to the stand, did some jedi mind trick and called in that pack of does/bucks, caused them to stand broad side at 15 yds, drew the bow, picked a spot, and controlled physics to drive the arrow through the lungs of that deer which only ran 40 yds before piling up.

And all this happened as if the broad head is what created the success. Never mind that any other well placed broad head would have ended up with the same result barring a malfunction.

So rage users, whats the deal? :D
Just good advertising I guess...plus the fact that they make a poorly tuned bow shoot better.
I kinda thought the same thing. Last year it seems that slick tricks were all the "rage"So much that I thought maybe some of the guys were on their payroll or something.
Best broadhead on the market for making a big hole and a great blood trail, but you really don't need to follow the blood when they die 20 yds from where you shot them
A.Hall said:
Best broadhead on the market for making a big hole and a great blood trail, but you really don't need to follow the blood when they die 20 yds from where you shot them

See example above. :D

so If I center punch a deer with a perfect shot using a muzzy, thunderhead, whatever.... and it bleeds like crazy and dies 30 yards from my stand, I need to sing from the roof tops that my
Broadhead is responsible for the kill?

Reminds me of the guy with the flashlight at the airport who waves the pilot in the last 25 feet.
It's the same with bullets everyone has their opinions. I use what I think will do the best job and make a quick kill. I use rage 2 blades, but I don't expect them to make up for poor shot placement or shooting ability. A field point will kill with a perfect shot.
fishboy1 said:
A.Hall said:
Best broadhead on the market for making a big hole and a great blood trail, but you really don't need to follow the blood when they die 20 yds from where you shot them

See example above. :D

so If I center punch a deer with a perfect shot using a muzzy, thunderhead, whatever.... and it bleeds like crazy and dies 30 yards from my stand, I need to sing from the roof tops that my
Broadhead is responsible for the kill?

Reminds me of the guy with the flashlight at the airport who waves the pilot in the last 25 feet.

Fishboy, I'm sorry, couldn't help myself. Just wanted to play along. :D
After not having a good blood trail with muzzy, I switched to rage. Sometimes even good shots don't put a deer down within sight. Why not use a broadhead that gives you the extra cut? I have no tuning problems as some if you have stated. With the muzzy, I had problems with hair clogging the hole and not get much blood. I have nothing against fixed broadheads, I even have a montec in the quiver for coyotes and such. I just choose to use rage and take advantage of the bigger cut. After 7 deer, 2 coyotes and a bobcat, I have not had a problem with the rage. I don't brag about the rages and I don't give the broadhead credit for the kill. But I have been thankful for the rage when I hit a deer high and the rage caught the top of the lungs. Luck, definately, but with a fixed broadhead the deer would be wounded and alive.
I have killed deer with many different broadheads and currently use the rage broadheads. I will say that out of every one of my bow kills and the deer that I have seen shot with other broadheads, the rage hands down has been the most impressive. I do not think that it is a "magic solution" for poor shot placement and bows not tuned properly. It is hard to argue that your "fixed blade" will kill a deer just as well with a properly placed shot. It is also hard to argue that a 2" cut is not better than a 1" on those marginal shots that happen no matter how much you practice or how well your bow shoots. There is double the chance that you will cause enough damage to kill the animal. I do find it funny that many Rage users are so dead set in everyone shooting them. I find it just as funny that those that don't shoot them want to argue that they are not that great.

Just a side note next year I will be shooting the Grim Reapers - Whitetail with a 2" cut. Three blades with a 2" cut are better than 2 blades any day in my opinion.
CPerkins said:
It is also hard to argue that a 2" cut is not better than a 1" on those marginal shots that happen no matter how much you practice or how well your bow shoots. There is double the chance that you will cause enough damage to kill the animal.
I agree, this is exactly the reason I have been shooting 125 grain Vortex for 17 years now and will probably always shoot them. They offer 2 3/4" cut that is devastating to say the least. I have been witnessing huge gaping pass-through wounds and blood trails a blind man could follow since 1993. I have never looked back.
http://www.vortexbroadheads.com/Catalog ... heads5.htm

CPerkins said:
Just a side note next year I will be shooting the Grim Reapers - Whitetail with a 2" cut. Three blades with a 2" cut are better than 2 blades any day in my opinion.
Several of my hunting buds have shot and still shoot a similar broadhead with great results over the last ten years. They are also a Vortex head; they are the Mini-Max 3 broadheads. They are some kind of bad as well.
http://www.vortexbroadheads.com/Catalog ... heads1.htm

In the end, proper shot placement and the broadhead you are confident with are the ingredients for success. Good luck to all.
i have nothing against the rage except for the price. and some of the ads "get your game or your money back" sounds like all you gotta do is hit the animal somewhere. "like throwing an ax through an animal" yeah ok.
It's good advertising! It's the same with Mathews bows; somebody that has never shot a bow a day in their life can go buy one and from the propaganda CD they give you when you buy a bow, they instantly become a pro...best bow shot in the world. LOL Or at least you'd think so by how they rattle off sometimes.

People believe in good marketing whether they admit it or not. When you turn on the TV outdoor shows and see 90% of the "pros" shooting Hoyt and Mathews, then everybody has to have what they are shooting. And broadheads are no different. They have seen the guys on TV and the fancy ads in the magazines and Rage broadheads are the in thing right now. It's all marketing. Rocky Mtn had the Snyper broadhead years ago...and it's the same thing as a Rage. The Snyper never was that big of a hit...because it never got marketed.

I've shot the Rage heads. I have shot a bunch of broadheads. But as of now I'm content with the Grim Reapers.
JeepKuntry said:
Rage=overpriced marketing gimmic!

In today's market, everything is overpriced! But I'm curious, why do you and others say gimmick? I just don't understand this. As for price, it is somewhat high, but look at all the people that pay $700 for a bow. I paid $400 for my firecat and I promise I can shoot better than some others with a mathews. It's all personal preference, but I see no gimmick with the rage. Someone please explain the gimmick.