Whats the deal with RAGE ?

The proof is in the results. I shoot Montecs and have excellent results. I don't have a 2 inch hole and my deer usuallly go a little farther than 20 yards, but I have my money wrapped up in the Montecs and until they fail me, I'll stick with them.

Rage users obviously have excellent results and like to share that with the rest of us. They are passionate about their broadheads and want others to know how awesome their broadheads are. I, too, have wondered what the rage is all about. 2 inch holes sound very interesting, though.
mstanton1181 said:
JeepKuntry said:
Rage=overpriced marketing gimmic!

In today's market, everything is overpriced! But I'm curious, why do you and others say gimmick? I just don't understand this. As for price, it is somewhat high, but look at all the people that pay $700 for a bow. I paid $400 for my firecat and I promise I can shoot better than some others with a mathews. It's all personal preference, but I see no gimmick with the rage. Someone please explain the gimmick.

Overpriced, sure they are...but a "marketing gimmick" I dont get it either, they leave a huge hole. I have shot many fixed and mechanicals over the years and I like the hole the rage leaves. All my deer...3 this year...have been pass throughs and all dropped in sight. All with the same head, cleaned and sharpened with a new o-ring installed. I have had this with other heads granted, fixed and mechanical, but never had a blood trail like I get with rage 2 blades. To each their own, thats why there are so many types and manufacturers. I was also a Mathews hater for years (shot Bear and Jennings bows) then I picked up a Drenalin and it was love at first shot. I advocate buying the best eqipment you can afford, (this does NOT equate to the most expensive)and tuning it perfectly and practicing with it until its as accurate and as deadly as possible. We owe that to the game we pursue.
they do fly like field points from my bow if they dont open up in flight. however i do not use them. i tried a practice 2 blade tip. but have seen some shot with a rage 2 blade. exit wounds seems to be a big topic with them. but they will fly and touch a field pointed arrow from my bow. i had already bought 6 slicktricks so i did nt need any.
I just think its hilarious and a bit silly that everyone instantly becomes Jackie Bushman the second they kill a deer using a rage.

"well I was fortunate to make a good shot using my RAGE and the deer ran 30 yards and piled up due to the RAGE. When I get up in the morning I shave using an old broken blade from a RAGE, and use a RAGE to butter my toast."

They don't go on and on about the tree stand they used, they don't go on about the underwear they had on, or the socks, but they will rant and rave about the RAGE......
I killed my first with the Trophy Ridge Meat Seekers 3 blade and had a huge blood trail. Did need it she only went 30yds and dropped. There are a lot of good broadheads out there. I don;t think one is any better than the other. Shoot whichever you prefer.
How many times have you heard somebody talk bout a lack of penetration with Rage? To me it's a marketing gimmic because they give you the impression that if the arrow hits the deer, your coming home with that deer.
Penetration is not the broadhead's fault in my opinion. Most people either do not have the right setup or they get too excited and don't realize they hit the deer in the shoulder. Of the people I personally know using rage, none have had penetration problems unless they hit the shoulder.

I do agree the ads are annoying as hell. But the broadheads do work with the right setup. No gimmick, IMO. Anyways, people should not let media effect their broadhead of choice. However, if someone is looking to try a new broadhead, I would recommend the rage for mechanical and the montecs for fixed.
IM a bit skeptical of almost any mechanical.

My nephew hunts in FL and they all swear by the rage...

BUT... I keep hearing stories about them not opening, only one blade opening, opening in flight, Not getting pass throughs, lost deer....

Apparently, they don't work very well on feral hogs unless you get a good 1/4 away tight behind the armpit shot. Got several stories of shoulder shot hogs running off with most of the arrow sticking out and poor blood trails.

Having said that, I haven't bow hunted with them and they may be using old bent rusty broadheads and cracked arrows for all I know.

BUT there are too many stories of lost animals for me to discount a potential problem.

I hate not knowing why I had a failure and mechanicas offer one more potential failure point that will be very hard to eliminate unless I find the animal and can do a post mortem.
Never have shot one. So I am not a "nay sayer" but I am skeptic of any mechanical head. The technology for this head isn't any thing new. This style of head was being made back in the 50's. Never been on a blood trail made by a rage so i can't really say anything against them. My only comment on the broadhead is if you do watch the shows and watch the pro hunters make their shots ,more times than not the penetration is poor. I have harvested deer with Rocky Mountain Supremes, Wasps Cam-lok, Thunderheads and Muzzy's. All have proven results. But I am not one myself to jump on the band wagon just because of great marketing. I want to see and shoot the equipment myself and make my own calculated decision. So I guess I'm saying shoot'em if you got them but you ain't converting me ...yet.
Shoot what you have confidence in and place it in the vitals . Shot placement is everything . A Rage head won't make up for a poor shot .
My quiver has 2-Rage, 2-Hellrazor, & 1-Carbon Express XT-4 broadheads.... I will shoot whichever is the easiest to get out of the quiver....

One dont kill any better than the other...They all hit the same spot at 30 out of my bow.....

Heck I may go with a Hellrazor first tomorrow....If I get bored I will switch to the xt-4....If that dont supress my boredom, theres always a rage......
Rowdy said:
Just good advertising I guess...plus the fact that they make a poorly tuned bow shoot better.
haha thats what I was thinking. I shot 2 does this morning with 100 gr. 4 blade muzzys and they went about 30 yds total between both of them.. A good sharp broadhead and a well placed shot does the trick .
bowhunter163 said:
Rowdy said:
Just good advertising I guess...plus the fact that they make a poorly tuned bow shoot better.
haha thats what I was thinking. I shot 2 does this morning with 100 gr. 4 blade muzzys and they went about 30 yds total between both of them.. A good sharp broadhead and a well placed shot does the trick .

I second that!
I love how people accuse mechanical broadhead users of not caring about tuning their bows.

My bow is very well tuned but I like the extra cutting diameter of mechanical heads.
UTGrad said:
I love how people accuse mechanical broadhead users of not caring about tuning their bows.

My bow is very well tuned but I like the extra cutting diameter of mechanical heads.
Yet, increased cutting diameter will reduce penetration , so it's a trade off.
I don't have a dog in this one since I use Muzzy but in our bow camp we had "substandard" results with Rage. It's just me but sometimes I think if you can have a "catchy" phrase or name...like "Rage in the Cage"..you can sell product and get a somewhat cultish following.
I went to them because I couldn't get a fixed blade to shoot in my crossbow. I tried my trusty muzzys and the wasp that came with bow package. I had a gift certificate so I thought I would try them. They haven't let me down in four plus years

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