Whats your best "almost got'em" story?

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I have a friend that was driving down the road. A gobbler decided to fly across the road at the same time. Bird hit his windshield as he was applying his brakes.He went back and picked up his "Road Kill" bird.He drove alittle farther down the road and the bird came to life in the back seat of his Mustang.He very quickly pulled over and jumped out of the car. The gobbler also exited the car.He almost got that one.
I've got so many :whistle:

We all know how hard field birds can be,well had this one bird that would pitch down out in the middle of a cow pasture with his hens every morning,and would hardly ever move to the edges near the woodline soooooooo..I used cows,I let a group of about 7 or 8 cows get in between the tom and me and slowly pushed them towards the birds. I cut the distance to about 40 yards and that's when the cows broke up and went to my stomach,when I did I lost sight of the birds,after a short wait they luckily headed my way and they filed by me one by one,knowing the tom would be last I got ready and at ten yards he strolls by me...bang!! bird flies away..I got too tore up I guess.
Whitetail Junkie said:
I've got so many :whistle:

Let's hear 'em. Nothing like experience gained by listening to other peoples almost experiences....

I'm sure I will have more in time.... but I'm still kind of new to the game!!
Here's another:

On Easter Sunday several years back I was driving back from church when I passed one of my new hunting spots at the time. It's all wooded ridges with big hollers on each side of it and this day it looked very inviting with all the green leaves and warm temps we were having. I told myself," I'm going home, getting changed, and going hunting."
When I first got up on top of the ridge I blew my crow call to fire up a tom. Nothing. I stood waiting awhile and finally got a tom to answer me WAY down this long ridge I was on. I took off heading down the ridge to cut the distance in half. When I got what I thought to be a hundred yards away I stopped and hit the crow call again. GOOOBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBLLLLLLEEEE. He was just out of sight, less than 100 yards! I sat next to a big white oak in the middle of the ridge, pointed my gunbarrell down the ridge, and let out a series of yelps. He double gobbled. I cut at him. He double gobbled again. I scratched the leaves, he double gobbled again. He was comming in on a string. I looked up and saw TWO snowball white heads comming down the ridge right at me. 60 yards away. 55 yards.50.45. at about 45 yards they fell off the side of the ridge and were walking closer, however I could just see both of their heads bobbing. When they were at about ten yards, I could see two periscope heads sticking up and looking over at me trying to find the hen they had heard. I had the saftey off, the bead on one of the heads, and my finger on the trigger. All of a sudden, the other one Gobbles so loud I almost jumped and I shot at the same time
( I guess without my cheek on the stock). And they took off flying down the opposite hollow. I was so close. It was several years ago and I still remember the feeling I felt that very night lying awake in my bed being so mad I couldn't sleep.

I killed another gobbler about two weeks later and you can believe it, I had my cheek on the stock that time. :D
NOTHING in the world like having a big tom gobble and him being right on top of you!!! It's a sound I will never forget and one that gives me goosebumps when I hear it in the woods!!
I can't remember if it was last year or the year before but my neighbor had been seeing turkeys behind his house and we have permission to hunt back there. It's only 5 acres or so. Anyway one afternoon after the opening weekend we went back there and got one gobbling. He had left his gun at his dads where he hunts most of the time so I gave him mine and said I'd do the calling. Told him we were good out to 50 yards. We set up on an overgrown field that has a road cut around it facing the way we thought the turkey would come but he had other plans and started circling the other way. I leaned back into some thick stuff so my buddy could turn around and be able to shoot. All of a sudden I could see the turkey through the thick stuff but couldn't gauge how far he was. My buddy thought it was too far so he didn't shoot. Finally the turkey turned around and walked off. I pulled my range finder out and ranged a cedar tree beside where he came out and it said 49 yards. We never did kill that turkey.
Gravey said:
My buddy thought it was too far so he didn't shoot. Finally the turkey turned around and walked off. I pulled my range finder out and ranged a cedar tree beside where he came out and it said 49 yards. We never did kill that turkey.

I did this a couple of years ago. I had missed a bird earlier in the season for being to far away, so when I got on this other bird and he came in and hung up, I thought it was too far away. Turns out, it was only 40 yards away!!! I was ticked!!!!!!!!!!

Oh ya, I missed the turkey the next day.......because he was at 50 :D Its hard to judge the distance in a field!
here is another good one.....

During turkey season i usually keep my JUST IN CASE stuff in the truck. One afternoon on the way home from work I decided to drive by a small wooded area down the street from my house to check it out. It is only about 20acres but has a nice field joining it you can see from the road. Sure enough there were 2 LB's out in the field so i pulled up so they could not see me from the road and jump out and got dressed....well i noticed i didnt have any boots so i just threw on my 3-d clothes and wore my crocs. I hauled booty to the back edge of the property to set up on a rock fence were the birds usually cross to roost.

well luck would have it the birds were already almost there when i got close so i had to just crawl as far as i could to get to the spot. I got about 60yds out and that was all i could go so i leaned up against a tree and decided to just try and call one a bit closer...well luck would have it i forgot to grab my calls from the truck. SOOOO the birds are 60yds out and gobbling and i decided to just try to do it with my mouth...they would gobble everytime i did but just would not cross the rock wall i wanted to be at!!! did this for about 30mins and they finally just left.

man if i would have been able to get to the wall where i KNEW they would be at i would have killed that bird easily
BV said:
Gravey said:
My buddy thought it was too far so he didn't shoot. Finally the turkey turned around and walked off. I pulled my range finder out and ranged a cedar tree beside where he came out and it said 49 yards. We never did kill that turkey.

I did this a couple of years ago. I had missed a bird earlier in the season for being to far away, so when I got on this other bird and he came in and hung up, I thought it was too far away. Turns out, it was only 40 yards away!!! I was ticked!!!!!!!!!!

Oh ya, I missed the turkey the next day.......because he was at 50 :D Its hard to judge the distance in a field!
Brought to mind one on me. Set up where we knew they were feeding one time and it went uphill a little behind me. I heard something behind me and was able to see them but thought it was too far and let them walk. This was before I had a range finder and later stepped it off at around 30 yards. I was sick because it was a big tom with a paintbrush.
renegade50 said:
too many to think about due to lack of range issues with my old side by side i used to hunt with 3 years ago
aint had a problem yet with my new mossy concerning range.


I've got an old mossberg 835 thats probably 14 years old and once I got the right choke/shell combination in it, it pattered like a dream. I baught a new gun a couple of years ago and the very next year I was right back to the old 835 ( its a TANK!) I know the remington guys love their guns, but an 835 is hard to beat in the turkey woods.
Here is a video of my son missing one about 5 years ago. I made the mistake of saying "hurry" when I told him to shoot and I think he freaked out. You can hear the bird gobble after the first yelps. There was a fence that stopped the bird but he was only about 18 yards away. My mouth is right next to the camera mic so the calling sounds a lot louder than it really is. Those whines are just a habit I have before I yelp. Gotta love the white socks. I didn't even realize until we watched the video :D
Been probly 8 or 9 years,on a pretty cold morning,was frosty.Located bird on roost,he only gobbled once on limb,he was roosted on side of a ridge looking out over a open holler about 40 or 50 acres of open.I set up on the other side of a growed up fenceline and about light enough for em to fly down I gave a soft cluck then a tree yelp.no gobble.Waited bout a minute and give em a flydown, no gobble.Well heck,so I waited,no dekes out.10 minutes or so go by and down he comes,1 gobble and hes struttin.I give him a soft 4 or 5 yelps and I could see him easin my way.Hes about 350 yds. away and comin my way.He drops off into the holler and out of sight but after about 5 minutes I can see that white head comin over the hill.Well Im pointed in the right direction but I gotta wait till hr comes into my shootin window as Im in a bunch of cedars.As he was 5 ft. from my openin where I could bust em he turns around and I will be dad blamed if here didnt come 3 jakes and ran his behind plum off!!!@#$%& Well I hunted the same ridge the next mornin and found the same bird same thind 1 gobble on limb 1 gobble on ground no hens cept this time when that rascal come over the rise I was ready to shoot.Oldest bird I ever took, had 1 5/8 & 1 9/16 spurs.Got John Beard to do a full body for me in a pose he calls "The Missouri Mean Walk" It is a beautiful mount of a magnificient bird and I'm sure proud of him.Ya,ll watch out for them durn jakes theyll gang up on a tom for sure.

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