Well-Known Member
Just wondering what most of your cooking methods are. I kind of lean towards fresh Italian, Mexican(texmex) and southern also do a fare amount of stir frying(make my own sauces from the cabinet) and yes smoking meat. Although all are kind of slanted to southern cooking which I grew up with. Trying to get away from heavy fried stuff (southern) but also still using fresh items and trying to get that southern splash on some dishes. And cleaning up some Italian and Mexican dishes but still got all the flavor. And smoking meat bbq, grilling. Side dishes, etc. But dang hard to beat a grilled trout, pork n beans, sliced onion and fried cornbread. We in the south are lucky. I don't know of much boil it till its tender and boiled tater recipes like from them Yankees. Guess that goes back to the England days when they boiled everything.
Ne way what you got? Not recipes but your choice most of the time.
Ne way what you got? Not recipes but your choice most of the time.