What's your limit?

I've shot one at 49 yards,but I usually wont take a shot more than 45. That being said, I'll usually hold off in hopes they'll get within 20.
31yrds is the longest shot I can practice here at home so I limit my max shot to that. If I could practice longer ranges I might stretch it out to 40 in an ideal situation.
My group of hunting buddies did a poll. Our average shot distance for the 5 of us (about 500 bow kills) was 19 yards.
The longest was 52 yards and there were only TWO that had made that shot.
35 yards but I hardly have open shots past 25 yards now a days. Last couple of years I have hunted thicker type areas or pinch points. I love about a 20 yard shot.
Practice at 80 yards, but will not take a shot past 40 yards unless it is open and wind permits. Had a 165" 10 pt at 67 yards two years ago and did not feel comfortable. That is why I now practice at 80!
redheadshooter said:
Practice at 80 yards, but will not take a shot past 40 yards unless it is open and wind permits. Had a 165" 10 pt at 67 yards two years ago and did not feel comfortable. That is why I now practice at 80!
Oh what a feeling!!! Same thing has happened to me but the buck wasn't that big (at least not to me), maybe 140/150-ish, but man that is what makse me keep going back out.
Pending on where I'm at and what I'm hunting. The guys out west that hunt Mulies, Speed Goat, etc practice at 100 yds with a bow and take regular kill shots 45 - 60 yards. It's a totally different mindset but archery is mostly mental game anyway.

I personally don't even like picking the bow up for hunting until most of the leaves are off the trees and its cooler than 90 degrees.

That said...I like close shots but I know my abilities and limitations. I took a 67 yd shot on a doe that had busted me and was just standing out there in an open field stomping and blowing and would not leave. I tried to shoo her away and she would take a few bounds away and come right back to the same spot and stomp and blow. I finally had enough of her and ranged her...67 yds. I slid my moving sight down to my 65 yard mark because I figured she would duck...she stood there and let me range her, draw back on her, shoot my bow, and she never flinched or ducked. I watched a neon green lighted nock disappear through her lungs and drive up in the ground, and watched her get all nose heavy as she tried to make it 50 yards or so to get out of the field she was in. Game over. She lost.
I will bust one to 40....if conditions are perfect.....anything 30 and down are considered perfect conditions unless full alert....but they get one at that range and i have never.....had one dip below the arrow....75+ kills and counting. I hate 40 yard shots but will if the conditions are perfect. so far i have no kills at that distance. the longest i have taken one is about 34 yards and i have many at 30.