Whats your motivation?

Setterman said:
The chess match, if it weren't for the strategy sessions in the woods I would quit. Trying to use terrain, foliage, etc etc to get into perfect position is what it is all about for me. Physically pulling the trigger means nothing, and is an unfitting end for a longbeard, but I follow through the same as the rest with the killing.

Also, I spend all winter grouse hunting the same areas I turkey hunt, and love to see the woods go from barebones dead of winter through spring green up.

In the words of Will Primos....."There's just something about it", that gets me out of bed every morning during April and May at insane hours.

Couldnt have put it better myself setterman. Pulling the trigger is just the nice frosty finish for me. I have let birds walk on because I thought they were just beautiful, I just couldnt pull the trigger. But just knowing I beat him at the little chess match we were playing is victory enough.
TN Deer Slayer said:
I have let birds walk on because I thought they were just beautiful, I just couldnt pull the trigger. But just knowing I beat him at the little chess match we were playing is victory enough.

Well said.

The only part of turkey hunting I hate is after the trigger is pulled,and it ends..killing a big o'l struttin,gobblin, drummin butterball just almost seems wrong..almost :grin: what Setterman said about it being an unfitting end is so true. Long live the Longbeard :)
Couldnt have put it better myself setterman. Pulling the trigger is just the nice frosty finish for me. I have let birds walk on because I thought they were just beautiful, I just couldnt pull the trigger. But just knowing I beat him at the little chess match we were playing is victory enough. [/quote]

If its a jake, sure, if its a longbeard, he doesn't get a pass. Or at least hasn't yet. I agree they are very beautiful to watch, but seeing that head jellied is too tempting for me.
What's my motivation? How about I don't need any motivation to go turkey hunting! LOL I needed motivation to get up every morning and go to work, when I was working. I occasionally need some motivation to get dressed and go to church,when it is so much easier to stay dirty, unshaven and drink coffee. It seems to me that most of us have answered with what they LIKE about turkey hunting, not what motivates us. I doubt if any of us actually need any motivation to pursue the sport that we love.
Setterman said:
The chess match, if it weren't for the strategy sessions in the woods I would quit. Trying to use terrain, foliage, etc etc to get into perfect position is what it is all about for me. Physically pulling the trigger means nothing, and is an unfitting end for a longbeard, but I follow through the same as the rest with the killing.

Also, I spend all winter grouse hunting the same areas I turkey hunt, and love to see the woods go from barebones dead of winter through spring green up.

I couldn't have said it any better, so I won't. THIS is why I hunt them.
I love the sounds of spring. The owls hooting, crows and turkeys gobbling. The first sounds of the birds in the morning. When I hear this, It makes me think life is good.
The goose bumps and pounding heart when that tom is 25 yards away vibrating the ground with his thunderous GOBBLE!!!!
Whitetail Junkie said:
Grizzly Johnson said:
bvoss said:
I think the woods at dawn would be a great place to take people and tell them about the Lord. From my perspective, that would be one of the hardest places to deny that there is a God.

AMEN brother!!!

I'll second that Amen!

Second on the floor all in favor say I

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