Where do lost arrows go??


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2005
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:grin:Have you ever lost an arrow that cant be found? I have a time or two or three or four.
You know the one where you miss the target and the thing just disappears into the grass in your yard. You know exactly where it should be, but it just disappeared.
You offer the kids a dollar if they can find it. They come back in after a few minutes and no arrow.
Do they just spontanioulsly combust? :grin:
I have one that went high into a cedar tree and I know it didn't go out the back of it...and I cannot find it to save my life. I have done everything short of climbing the tree to see if its in the top... funny how those grass roots can hide one.
To find a lost arrow , get a line on your shot by lining up the target to the shooting position while you are walking behind the target .
This will give you a reference path to walk straight away from the target . Now take an old arrow with a field tip installed and start scraping the grass every 2 feet or so . When the arrow runs over the lost arrow , it will make a distinctive click . You won't find every lost arrow , but you will find many more this way .
...... not that I am an expert at losing arrows or anything . :D
i have lost more than i have found, but I always took the pitiful walk of shame to the shed and retreive the fire rake my father always used, and well it never made him happy but always went to ..well what I liked to call it...airiate his grass with this rake....!!! found a few, but lost more than a few!!! I think they should give you money back on everyone you lose...HAHHA
i have several lost..i lost one last yr and it couldnt have went to far..still i havnt found it and i still look 4 it..i even brought out the lawn mower to cut the grass all the way down,have found several this way..but still no luck.
My backyard borders a pasture. It's down to nothing in the winter so I go back there looking occassionally. I have 4 arrows back there somewhere.
When I got my last bow. I was sightin it in. I lost 5 or 6 arrows out of a dozen.. I was shooting on my fence row. the arrows went into the back yard of my neighbors(no house's anywhere close) So I got all ticked off and got out my weed eater... started mowing that crap down to the dirt... Found all my arrows.. Neighbor seen me doing this.. I had to buy him some grass seed!! I should have put some pot seeds in there .. old .... nevermind lol
yeah i use my metal detector... i dont think ive lost one yet...still takes quite a bit of searching but so far so good...
It is kind of embarrassing when your neighbors see you out in the back yard shooting, then a few minutes later you are walking in circles with your head down. You know that they know you missed..
I'm telling you.....When you miss a target a portal to a parallel universe opens and your arrow enters it at the speed of light.
I put my target on the edge of a gulley that runs behind the house. I have learned that if an arrow go through the bag or I miss, the arrow will sail over the gully, but drop enough to stick in the bank on the other side. I have found several that way.